Assassin's Creed Initiates: Surveillance - Norway: Hunt for the spy
| 1 - HELSINKI // FINLAND // 2014-04-10 // 15:46 - GONE WRONG
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Gavin's been a good soldier for a long time. He took William's book, and the responsibility that came with it, out of loyalty for his friend, who went away to deal with a traumatic loss.
Gavin's been in a foul mood since we left Russia. I think it's all catching up to him. The Brotherhood has lost teams in Brisbane, Whistler, Florence, Denver, and now Moscow. There's half a cell in Osaka. Sao Paulo hasn't been heard from in over two years.
William Miles came back to the fight late last year, but as of yet has not reached out to us. Gavin is starting to take that silence personally.
I remain your humble spy.
 | 2 - HELSINKI // FINLAND // 04-24-2014 // 13:46 - FIND WILLIAM MILES
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Gavin brought us all together and slammed William's journal down on the table in front of us.
“Find me William Miles!”
Time to put our thinking caps on…
I remain your humble spy.
 | 3 - // NORWAY // 2014-05-01 // 13:02 - HERE WE ARE
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If William Miles was surprised to see Gavin arrive at his secret bunker, he didn't show it. There was no handshake, no hug, nothing to suggest that these two have been friends, fighting together for years.
“We need to talk, Bill,” Gavin said.
Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane were much happier to see us, and tried to break the ice, but Gavin would have none of it.
“You two are next on my shit list.”
Emmett immediately pulled Rebecca aside to start tinkering with their Hephaestus phones, and, I suspect, enjoy some recreational marijuana.
The core members of the modern-day Brotherhood are all here. I am going to plant some bugs around the compound to see if I can pick up anything of interest.
This is a tremendous opportunity for us, but I wonder what the future holds for them.
I remain your humble spy.
 | 4 - NORWAY // 2014-05-04 // 10:17 - VENTING ANGER
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
William Miles: What's this?
Gavin Banks: What's it look like? I'm giving you your fucking book back.
William Miles: Why?
Gavin Banks: Why not? You give me that thing, with a tear-stained letter about how you can't go on, but in less than a year, you're back in the game. I feel like you played me.
William Miles: Well... You're acting like a selfish child.
Gavin Banks: What?
William Miles: I lost my only son, you ass! I did feel like it was over. And I chose to trust you over everyone else in the world. I forced myself to come back because what we do is bigger than me, bigger than you, even bigger than Desmond. But if this is all you got for me, maybe that trust was misplaced.
Gavin Banks: Maybe it was. Tell you what, you keep your riddles and your schemes, down here in the dark, and my team will go out into the real world and do real work. Get Shaun and Rebecca to update the machines on my boat and then we're out of here. |
 | 5 - NORWAY // 2014-05-05 // 15:45 - WHAT’S AN INITIATE?
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Rebecca came aboard the ship to perform maintenance on our computer systems. She helped install them, after all, before she left for Montreal and we went to Japan. Everything seemed fine until, she called us all together to make a rather startling announcement:
“Someone on your ship is a spy,” she said, “I found a series of coded messages being sent to something called ‘The Initiates Database.' They've been sent pretty regularly over the past couple of years. Ring any bells?”
“What the hell is an Initiate?” asked Gavin.
I'm going to have to lay low for a bit, but the bugs I've planted around the bunker should automatically relay everything they pick up to the Database.
I think your humble spy might be in trouble here. |
 | 6 - // NORWAY // 2014-05-06 // 07:23 - WILLIAM’S WHITE ROOM
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
Gavin Banks: Shaun and Rebecca are still aboard the ship, seeing if they can find out where the signals are going.
William Miles: I'm going to have them perform a background check on your crew while they're at it.
Gavin Banks: Fine.
William Miles: Our little spat is going to have to wait. After Lucy Stillman, I can't afford to take any chances.
Gavin Banks: Agreed.
William Miles: Until this spy is found, I think it's best if your crew stays confined to their quarters aboard the ship.
Gavin Banks: Keep Galina in the bunker. She came aboard very recently, I'm certain she can't be the spy.
William Miles: I am going to call on your team one-by-one for interviews. You will bring them to me here.
Gavin Banks: "Interview," my ass! Leave it to William Miles to own a bunker with a built-in interrogation cell.
William Miles: I like to be prepared for anything. I call it the White Room.
Gavin Banks: You have a sick sense of humor. I take it I'm not a suspect?
William Miles: Ha. If I thought you were capable of this, I'd have killed you when we first met.
 | 7 - NORWAY // 2014-05-07 // 07:00 - TREE-HUGGER
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
William Miles: How did you meet Gavin?
Susan Drayton: I was a bit of an activist when I was young. I broke into the water supply for Prince George, the place I grew up, and took a sample of something labeled “New Fluoride.” Seemed fishy, and I figured I'd leak it to the press or something, but I got arrested on my way out.
William Miles: And Gavin bailed you out of jail?
Susan Drayton: No, Janice did. At first, I thought she was a crazy environmentalist, like me. Ha! Turns out she was crazier, she was one of us.
William Miles: She recruited you into the Brotherhood.
Susan Drayton: Yeah. Janice was big on conservation, said that a strong connection with nature was crucial for Assassin success. I couldn't argue with the results.
William Miles: So where did Gavin come in?
Susan Drayton: We both tried to steal the same boat! I was gonna take it and go chase Japanese whalers, but Gavin wanted it as a mobile HQ for the Brotherhood.
William Miles: So you teamed up.
Susan Drayton: Yeah. Funny thing was that Gavin had no idea how to pilot a ship. I spent some time around boats as a kid, so I got to keep the ship as my own and we agreed to work together, handling issues that were important to both of us.
William Miles: Do you think these Initiates have a cause worth fighting for?
Susan Drayton: They might be smart enough to spy on us, but if they have a cause, a reason to exist, or any passion at all, I have yet to see it.
 | 8 - // NORWAY // 2014-05-08 // 07:00 - DOUBLE MAJOR
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
William Miles: Your parents worked for an Abstergo pharmaceutical company in Beijing.
Stephanie Chiu: Still do, for all I know.
William Miles: You graduated from an Abstergo-funded university. You were meant to follow in their footsteps.
Stephanie Chiu: My life was planned since birth: Study hard, qualify as a doctor, join the family business. Be a good girl.
William Miles: You have degrees in medicine, biomedical and chemical engineering, and a post-doctoral fellowship in membrane technology.
Stephanie Chiu: Thrilling, right?
William Miles: But you also have a degree in information security and network science. Those fields don't really overlap.
Stephanie Chiu: I never really wanted to work with my parents, but working at Abstergo seemed like a good idea at the time. I wanted options, and they had more openings in advanced technology than in pharmaceuticals.
William Miles: What made you turn away from them?
Stephanie Chiu: You know about the New Fluoride scandal?
William Miles: Abstergo got caught manipulating the water supply of a small US town.
Stephanie Chiu: Yeah, but they didn't get caught in China. They used it all over the place and it messed up a lot of people.
William Miles: What did that have to do with you?
Stephanie Chiu: My father created New Fluoride. I couldn't believe it when I found out. I ran away to Hong Kong, and Abstergo chased me. I thought I was done for, but then I met Gavin and Captain Drayton and they brought me aboard the ship.
William Miles: And you became one of us.
Stephanie Chiu: Yeah, I got inducted. I patch you guys up, and I grow Emmett's weed, but mostly, I'm just here to fight against Abstergo. No one should be allowed to ruin lives like that.
 | 9 - // NORWAY // 2014-05-09 // 07:00 - DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
William: It's been a long time. I imagine you're still angry with me.
Emmanuel: I don't dwell on the past. Sir.
William: If anyone on Gavin's crew has a reason to betray the Brotherhood, I'd say it's you.
Emmanuel: Why, because I followed your orders?
William: I ordered you to find a Templar presence in the War on Terror. I didn't order you to kill children.
Emmanuel: Every kid on that bus was wearing a bomb and they were aimed at the peace talks. I saved more people than I killed.
William: No one is saying otherwise.
Emmanuel: You know what the worst part of it is? Those kids weren't even Templars, or anything like that. They were victims in the truest sense.
William: And that's when you made your vow to never kill again?
Emmanuel: What's the first tenet of our Creed? “Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent.”I failed, so I made a promise; no more killing. Ever.
William: You let Gavin get beaten in the streets of Kyoto [NoteByATA: It was Osaka, not Kyoto]. You sat back and watched your team fight insane Assassins in Russia. Are you punishing us for what happened to you?
Emmanuel: Gavin knew my story when you pawned me off on him. Our deal was that I'd arm the team and train them in weapons use. Nothing more.
William: Some of these “Initiate” signals are coming from the military base where you were trained.
Emmanuel: So what?
William: So maybe you're punishing the Brotherhood by spilling our secrets? Maybe you're breaking the third tenet?
Emmanuel: With all due respect, sir: Fuck you. I'm loyal to the Brotherhood. I'm loyal past the point of common sense. So kill me or get out of my face. Sir.
 | 10 - NORWAY // 2014-05-10 // 07:00 - FIRST MATE
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
William Miles: You were recruited into the Brotherhood after you went on a killing spree in Edinburgh?
Eric Cooper: You call it a "killing spree" and I'll call it a "carefully executed plan of revenge against the hate group that killed the love of my life" and we'll just agree to disagree.
William Miles: Gavin said you were thinking about suicide when he brought you in.
Eric Cooper: It's fair to say I hit rock bottom, ken? I figured, either I die alone on the streets of Edinburgh, or I die alone, out there in the world somewhere. Didnae see much of a difference. But the Assassins changed my outlook completely.
William Miles: How so?
Eric Cooper: Well, for starters, you lot were very welcoming. Gavin's crew was, anyways. Not one of them has ever looked at me like I was a thing. I'd never experienced that before, ken?
William Miles: Your closest friends aboard the ship are Doctor Chiu and Mister Leary.
Eric Cooper: Aye, well, Chewy helps me regulate my hormones. Even after the surgeries, it takes a wee bit of effort to remain the ruggedly handsome scoundrel that sits before you.
William Miles: And Emmett Leary?
Eric Cooper: It's my duty to make sure the ship runs smoothly, and he's a messy one. But we have a laugh and he helps me check on what it's like back home. I want to plan for a future where I can go back one day, ken?
William Miles: I see.
Eric Cooper: You don't think this spy is one of them, do you?
 | 11 - NORWAY // 2014-05-11 // 07:00 - THE MAKE-BELIEVE MENTOR
Initiates Surveillance Transcript:
William Miles: So you're the man who created the fake Brotherhood in Georgia. To what end?
Akaki Ninidze: The place where I grew up was, and still is, troubled. Many wars are being fought for many reasons. I wanted them all to stop.
William Miles: Why Assassins?
Akaki Ninidze: The Assassins had long since vanished, but they still enjoyed a fearsome reputation in Syria, Turkey, and Russia. I tried to use that to my advantage. I studied whatever I could find on them and created a 'Brotherhood.' I took in people who were tired of fighting for misguided reasons, and wanted to fight for peace.
William Miles: A noble goal but foolishly accomplished.
Akaki Ninidze: I suppose it was. We began to involve ourselves in the various conflicts throughout the region. People began to fear 'The Assassins', but we were discovered.
William Miles: The Templars came looking for you.
Akaki Ninidze: We suffered a series of brutal defeats, but the attacks were too precise and coming from many different enemies, as though they were cooperating against us.
William Miles: And that's when Gavin found you.
Akaki Ninidze: He took what was left of us and we went into hiding. We spent a few months in the Pankisi Valley, where he taught us the secret history of the world.
William Miles: And you and your brother left with him after that?
Akaki Ninidze: Once we saw the truth, how could we not? The goal remained the same, but the scale increased. At least we left a true Brotherhood behind back home.
 | 12 - NORWAY // 2014-05-12 // 07:14 - ABSTERGO'S LOST GENIUS
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
Emmett Leary: You mind if I blaze this, man? It's for my arthritis, you know?
William Miles: Fine. You used to work for Abstergo Industries?
Emmett Leary: I was a software engineer for the Surrogate Initiative. I worked on the tech that reads genetic memories.
William Miles: Why did you leave Abstergo?
Emmett Leary: After the project folded, Warren Vidic tried to recruit me for the Animus Project. I said no.
William Miles: Why?
Emmet Leary: Man, I knew from the start that something wasn't right with Vidic. I know crazy when I see it, you know? I left the company. I signed all the NDAs and got a healthy severance package. It was understood that I'd stay quiet.
William Miles: But…
Emmett Leary: But, Abstergo, you know? I couldn't shake this feeling that they were gonna get me. So I started writing down, like, everything I had on them.
William Miles: Then you met Gavin.
Emmett Leary: One night I wake up and there's a beardy white guy at the foot of my bed. Nightmare fuel! I can't even ask him a question before a bunch of unmarked cars pull up in front of my place and goons come pouring out of ‘em.
William Miles: It's not paranoia if Abstergo's out to get you.
Emmett Leary: Exactly, man. I followed Gavin with no further questions. I ran out of my place in the middle of the night wearing just my fucking tighty-whities. Reports of my death began to circulate soon after. Been on the run with him ever since.
William Miles: You have connections to all sorts of hackers and activists, but you've never heard of these “Initiates?”
Emmett Leary: I keep an eye on everyone in the digital space, governments, military, Abstergo, even nutjobs like Erudito. Nobody's heard of these guys, I swear. You believe me, right?
 | 13 - NORWAY // 2014-05-13 // 07:00 - KOMUSUBI
William Miles: So what's your deep, dark secret Nodar?
Nodar Ninidze: Not so secret, really. I used to be a sumo wrestler.
William Miles: I… was not expecting that.
Nodar Ninidze: I was a big guy, and I liked to fight. I got pretty good, too.
William Miles: What made you walk away from it?
Nodar Ninidze: A vile stew of politics and corruption. Sumo was filthy with both. It reminded me of home. And when I returned to Georgia, I found my little brother already in a fight.
William Miles: Your brother was fighting against Chechen rebels.
Nodar Ninidze: No! That's just it. Our group weren't rebels in that sense. Rather, we were a collection of fighters from all sides, Russian, Georgian, Chechen, who saw strings being pulled from very high levels.
William Miles: You didn't fight for any political cause, but peace itself.
Nodar Ninidze: We tried our best. When we met Gavin, we saw that the strings were connected to a web that wrapped around the world. We had found our cause. |
 | 14 - NORWAY // 2014-05-23 // 14:33 - YOUR HUMBLED SPY
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
William Miles: In times past, any treason against the Brotherhood was punishable by death. Faced with this new breach of trust, I see no reason not to do the same.
Shaun Hastings: Um, I could probably muster up a few...
William Miles: Silence! I know who the spy is. Galina?
Galina Voronina: Da?
William Miles: Kill Doctor Chiu.
Galina Voronina: Da.
Emmett Leary: Wait, what?
Eric Cooper: Now wait just a damn minute!
Gavin Banks: Stand down, Eric.
Eric Cooper: The hell I will! She's not the traitor! I am!
Stephanie Chiu: Eric, no!
Eric Cooper: I've been uploading the messages! I'm the spy!
Shaun Hastings: A Scottish spy? That's a laugh.
Stephanie Chiu: He just writes the reports, I'm the one that uploads them!
Eric Cooper: Chewy!
Stephanie Chiu: No! We're in this together.
Eric Cooper: I guess I'll not die alone after all.
Gavin Banks: Nobody's dying, you numbskull.
Eric Cooper: I don't understand.
William Miles: Even if I wanted to, I don't have the resources to exterminate the Initiates.
Gavin Banks: And from what Rebecca has shown us so far, they seem pretty reasonable.
William Miles: These interviews gave me a chance to get to know you and I came away impressed.
Shaun Hastings: Just so we're all on the same page, there's to be no murder today?
William Miles: No.
Eric Cooper: Are you trying to give me a heart attack, old man?
William Miles: You have to let an old man have his fun.
 | 15 - NORWAY // 2014-05-30 // 14:18 - THE OUTERNET
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
Rebecca Crane: You guys, these Initiates are incredible! They're using a series of small satellites to create a network that can transmit data to anywhere in the world. They've made an “Outernet.”
Stephanie Chiu: We believe that information is a basic human right.
Emmett Leary: This network keeps you outside of the internet controlled by corporations and governments.
William Miles: Why have your satellites not been detected by anyone? Say Abstergo's satellites?
Eric Cooper: Are you aware of just how much rubbish is floating above us? To borrow one of your lessons, we're hidden in plain sight.
Shaun Hastings: It's very impressive, but if you're just a bunch of industrious nerds, who pays for it? Who's in charge?
Stephanie Chiu: We're funded by all kinds of private citizens. We have military connections, people at Harvard and MIT, even an eccentric billionaire or two.
Eric Cooper: As for who is running the show, we don't have “leaders” in the sense that you have a Mentor. We take directions from four individuals, but up until now, they've mostly just guided our research.
Stephanie Chiu: No one knows who these four are. We hear rumors that they created the Initiates and the Database, but no one knows for sure.
Rebecca Crane: It's freakin' beautiful! It reminds me of what we used to have before the Great Purge. I never thought I'd see something like this again.
Shaun Hastings: Honestly, though, if you lot were tracking our movements all this time, couldn't you have stepped in?
Stephanie Chiu: Our only goal was gathering knowledge. We made vows to stay neutral.
Shaun Hastings: That's all well and good, but some of us might still be alive today if you'd been a little less neutral.
 | 16 - NORWAY // 2014-06-06 // 17:03 - FORWARD MOMENTUM
Initiates Surveillance Audio Transcript:
William Miles: Still angry with me?
Gavin Banks: No. Yes. I think maybe I'm just angry.
William Miles: You can use angry. It's about momentum. When I lost Desmond, I just… stopped. Knowing what Abstergo did to Desmond's body angered me, but it also helped me move forward again. It re-ignited my fire for the fight.
Gavin Banks: After what I've seen this past year, I'm not so sure we're even in a fight anymore. We aren't losing. We've lost.
William Miles: Honestly, up until recently, I felt the same way. But not anymore. The Initiates could be part of the solution.
Gavin Banks: They aren't really fighters.
William Miles: That's true. That's why you and I will continue as we always have. We'll find and lead the ones who will get their hands bloody. We won't be in charge of the Initiates.
Gavin Banks: But Shaun and Rebecca will.
William Miles: I'm an old man, with old ideas, and old ways of doing things. They've more than proven themselves. Let's see how they can rally those Initiates to our cause.
 | 17 - // NORWAY // 2014-06-16 // 18:18 - A MESSAGE FROM SHAUN
My name is Shaun Hastings. I know you're out there, watching us. Bravo, but that's really all you do, isn't it? Watch. Don't you think it's time to do more?
You've proven your potential. Why not dedicate it to a true cause? With you on our side, we can hope to rebuild the Brotherhood. Otherwise, the Assassins will die, along with our ideals. The Templars will win, and the world will lose.
Big challenges are ahead of us. United, we stand a better chance of tipping the scales. Then, the Initiates network will return stronger, in one form or another, to mark the beginning of your training.
Stay alert, Initiates.