'A Barid' letter - Our research

A Bárid, a chóirmaic

Mo bennacht lasin scríbinn-se.

Guidimm-se na-légai-siu frisin tenid, 7 guidimm-siu not-gora a thess amal bee-siu im brollach moíth fadéin. Is fota limm co gér tú, 7 is móa cech laithe in chuntabart in accar-sa Dublinn iarmothá.

Is maith fom-chíallathar Sadb, cíasu éicen di coitsecht frim scéla scaílti . In-fédinn den laithe a ndom-rala fer fola forsin slige co Clúain Ferta 7 ran-íccas, co ndechud laiss-som co Lothlinn. Lánamnas íar sain, 7 don-ratad mac, tussu, gáethgarg, la londbruth loga. Tar cend na imchéine ó Éirinn, ro-uccus i calad etir Gallaib. Gáedel mná, Sjae Korpmaka a ainm.

Íat so mo chuimnigi cáemthi. Fréna ár sceóil. Nos-cáemna-su.

Do máthair cháem,


A Bárid, a chóirmaic

A - particle; introduces vocative - oh (Reference)

Bárid - proper name - Bárid (Reference)

Chóir - as “cóir”: just, proper, decent, honest (Reference)

Maic - as “Mac”: Son (Reference 1, Reference 2)

Mo bennacht lasin scríbinn-se.

Mo - Possessive pronoun; 1st person singular of - My (Reference)

Bennacht - Prosperous, blessed, fortunate, benign, also as a verb “to bless” (Reference)

Mo bennacht - My blessing (Reference)

Lasin - Fusion of the article with preposition; With the (Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3)

Scribinn-Se - (Reference, Reference 2)
Scrib: root of the verb “to write”;
-inn: imperfect ending, first person singular;
-se: emphatic particle, first person singular

Guidimm-se na-légai-siu frisin tenid, 7 guidimm-siu not-gora a thess amal bee-siu im brollach moíth fadéin.

Guidimm-se - (Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3, Reference 4)
Guid: Guid: root of the verb “to ask, beg”;
-inn: imperfect ending, first person singular;
-se: emphatic particle, first person singular

Na-légai-siu - (Reference 1, Reference 2)
Na: negative imperative particle or infixed pronoun -a- in between the preverb no- and the next syllable: not;
légai: verb "to read";
-siu: emphatic particle, second person singular

Frisin - from “fris”: To, Towards, Against (Reference)

Tenid - from “tene”, accusative: Fire (Reference)

Frisin Tenid - "At the fire”, “Against the fire (Reference)

7 - Conjuction: “And” (Reference 1, Reference 2)

Guidimm-siu - (Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3, Reference 4)
Guid: Guid: root of the verb “to ask, beg”;
-inn: imperfect ending, first person singular;
-siu: emphatic particle, second person singular

Not - ??

Gora - as “gorad” means blushing or burning, heat, scorching Reference

A thess - The heat (from “a thess 7 a uacht” = heat and cold - Reference

Amal - As, As if, as though, fool, how, how that, in what manner, like, similar to, when (Reference)

Bee-siu - (Reference 1, Reference 2)
Bee: Ortative subjunctive - From “slán bee” - “May something happen", May you
-siu: emphatic particle, second person singular

Im - preposition; around, about; mutually (Reference)

Brollach - Bosom, breast (Reference 1, Reference 2)

Moíth - from maidid; verb "to break", "to burst" (Reference)

Fadéin - self (Reference)

Is fota limm co gér tú, 7 is móa cech laithe in chuntabart in accar-sa Dublinn iarmothá.

Is - Verb: "it isReference;

Fota - adjective: Long (Reference)

Limm - Prepositional Phrase: With me (Reference)

Co - conjunction: and, until, so that, with (Reference)

Ger - From proto-celtic "garyos": word, speech (Reference)

Tu - Pronoun, second singular: You (Reference)

Móa - From "mór"; greater/great/more than (Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3)

Cech - From cach; every (Reference)

Laithe - From Lae, Day Reference

In - Determinate article; The (Reference)

Chuntabart - as cuntabart; doubt, uncertainty, danger (Reference)

Accar-sa - (Reference 1, Reference 2)
Accar: Verb ad·cí, present subjunctive; to see
-sa: emphatic particle, first person singular

Dublinn - Proper name; Dublin

Iarmothá adverb - afterwards, henceforth, hearafter, after (Reference)

Is maith fom-chíallathar Sadb, cíasu éicen di coitsecht frim scéla scaílti.

Is - Verb: "it isReference;

Maith - adjective: Good (Reference)

Fom-chíallathar - as fo·cíallathar; to take care/get ready/be on guard (Reference)

Sadb - Proper name; Sadb (Reference)

Cíasu - other form of Cesu, conjunction; although, even though (Reference 1, Reference 2)

Eicen - necessity, compulsion (Reference )

Di - Preposition: Of, from (Reference)

Coitsecht - verbal noun of con·túaisi; to hear/ to listen / be silent (Reference)

Frim - pronominalized preposition: To, Towards, Against (Reference)

Scela - As scél; Story, tale (Reference 1, Reference 2)

Scaílti - verb "to dissolve" Reference

In-fédinn den laithe a ndom-rala fer fola forsin slige co Clúain Ferta 7 ran-íccas, co ndechud laiss-som co Lothlinn.

In-fédinn - (Reference)
In-fet: often used as ad-fet, it means to tell
-inn: imperfect ending, first person singular;

Den - contraction of "de an" meaning of the” (Reference);

Laithe - From Lae, Day (Reference)

A - pronoun that triggers eclipsis, take a lenitive relating cause: that which, what (Reference)

Ndom-rala - as do·rala; 3rd person sing subjuntive of the verb fo·ceird meaning cast, set, put, abandon (Reference)

Fer - a man (Reference)

Fola - genitive singular of fuil meaning blood (Reference)

Forsin - preposition For meaning on and sin representing the article the (Reference)

Slige - Road, way (Reference)

Co - conjunction: and, until, so that, with (Reference)

Clùain Ferta - proper name: Clonfert (Reference)

7 - Conjuction: “And” (Reference)

Ran-iccas - verb ro·icc as ránaic, third person past tense; to reach/arrive (Reference 1, Reference 2)

Co - conjunction: and, until, so that, with (Reference)

Ndechud - as dechud, post-particicle or enclitic form of the verb do chaidh, meaning "to go" (Reference)

Laiss-som - (Reference 1, Reference 2)
Laiss: pronoun; with him
-som: emphatic suffix of the third-person singular masculine

Co - conjunction: and, until, so that, with (Reference)

Lothlinn - One of the various names with which Gaelic people referred to Norway (Reference)

Lánamnas íar sain, 7 don-ratad mac, tussu, gáethgarg, la londbruth loga.

Lánamnas - relationship, marriage (Reference)

Iar - preposition; according to/after/across/along/beyond/afterwards ” (Reference);

Sain - adjective; different/distant/separate/special/peculiar (Reference)

Don-ratad - Passive form of the verb do·beir; to bring/to give (Reference 1, Reference 2 )

Mac - Son (Reference 1, Reference 2)

Tussu - (Reference 1, Reference 2)
Tu: pronoun; you
-su: second-person singular emphatic suffix

Gáethgarg - (Reference 1, Reference 2)
Gaeth: Wise, intelligent, tempestuous
Garg: fierce, angry, bitter

La - preposition meaning possession (Reference)

Londbruth loga - Ferocious fire (Reference)

Tar cend na imchéine ó Éirinn, ro-uccus i calad etir Gallaib.

Tar Cend - as tar cenn, preposition followed by genitive case; On behalf of / because of (Reference)

Na - Definite article; the” (Reference);

Imchéine - as imchian meaning Great distance; far distance, far-away place (Reference)

ò - From, of, by (Reference )

Éirinn - Proper name; Ireland (Reference)

Ro-uccus - verb preterite 1st singular of beirid meaning carry/bring/give/take/give birth to (Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3)

I - into, in (Reference)

Calad - as caladh; land, landing place(Reference 1, Reference 2)

Etir - between him/ at all/able/feasible /among (Reference)

Gallaib - from Gaill or Gall; Danes (Reference 1, Reference 2)

Gáedel mná, Sjae Korpmaka a ainm.

Gáedel - Gael, Irish (Reference)

Mnà - woman, women, (Reference);

Sjae Korpmaka - Proper name; Sjae Korpmaka

A - possessive pronoun; Her (Reference )

Ainm - Name (Reference)

Íat so mo chuimnigi cáemthi.

Íat - They (Reference)

So - This, (Reference);

Mo - My (Reference)

Chuimnigi - From cuimne; Memory (Reference )

Cáemthi - From CaemDear (Reference)

Fréna ár sceóil. Nos-cáemna-su.

Fréna - From fri; Along with (Reference)

Ar - For, since, our, my, (Reference);

Sceóil - As scél; Story, tale (Reference 1, Reference 2)

Nos-caemna-su - (Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3)
Nos: Used to support prototonic verb forms where no deuterotonic forms exist (imperfect, past subjunctive, conditional) and to support infixed object pronouns
Caemna: From cáemnaid; To protect
-su: second-person singular emphatic suffix

Do máthair cháem, Ségdae

Do - Possessive pronoun; Your (Reference)

Máthair - Mother, (Reference);

Cháem - From Caem; Dear (Reference )

Ségdae - proper name; Sagdae

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