The end of an era - Part II
Markuz, October 10th, 2013 Translated by: Stefania We left some days ago with the analysis of the various dialogues of AC3 final sequence and with various questions about Desmond's role and Juno's plan. Let's start from the latter, then, with the help of the AC3 guidebook. I want to point out, however, that for the most part what is written in the guide can be found in the AC plot and especially in the AC3 finale. The only problem is that often the dialogues are cryptic and, looking at them individually, it would be really difficult to infer what is asserted in the guide. I'll try, nonetheless, to follow the chronological order and to deal with the subjects of the guidebook question by question. For this reason we created with our Simonsens a sort of timeline dedicated to the millenary plan of Juno. I suggest you to keep it open while reading in order to visualize, also graphically, how I think the things went: Timeline by Simonsens, it will take some seconds to load, ... but it's worth it. So let's start from afar, around 75.000 B.C.. Those Who Came Before (or First Civilization), an ancient race – not aliens – equipped with an extremely advanced technology, decides to create mankind maybe forcing an evolutionary jump between the primitive hominids and the homo sapiens, as explained in glyph #20. This action is arisen from the need of workforce for projects which still are undefined. The proof that TWCB created the mankind comes both from “We who made you! We who gave you life!” by Minerva at the end of AC2 and from “We did not build them to be wise. And now they are our final, faulted, hope. You are they.” by Juno in ACB. Men, therefore, worked in slavery, as it can be seen in the Truth video from AC2 and this was possible due to some artifacts, our dear Pieces of Eden. The POEs operated on a neurotransmitter, inserted by TWCB in the brain of men at the time of their creation. This neurotransmitter, when stimulated by the POEs, allowed the illusion and the control of people. The Assassin’s Creed Encyclopedia tells us that this slavery lasted for centuries or maybe thousands of years, but during this period some men were born from possible relationships between mankind and other members of the First Civilization. This ensured that the hybrids deriving from this union didn't have the neurotransmitter that allowed the slavery and so, with the passing of time, harbored a sentiment of rebellion resulting in a real war against the First Civilization. TWCB were only a few but were supported by advanced technology and by the POEs while men were many and “built” by TWCB to adapt and survive. As all the AC fans know already, the two sides were so busy with their skirmish that they didn't notice the coming of the Toba Catastrophe, a solar flare that involved the whole Earth and burnt it decimating both TWCB and men. As specified by Jupiter in the Revelations finale, however, some TWCB (including Minerva, Juno and Jupiter himself) tried to save the world both before and after the catastrophe. The six methods of salvation are the result of the attempt to save the world before the catastrophe and so it's here that the AC3 plot starts. Minerva in the AC3 finale says that, while they were trying to save the world, in the chaos of the war and the nonworking methods, Juno was planning to conquer it. Why? Not wanting to drag in a possible yearning for power (that didn't really appear but can't be exclude either), the main explanation is essentially one, revenge. Revenge against the men and against her fellow TWCB.
This was one of the elements that destabilized Juno the most and that may have caused the idea of the millenarian plan, but surely it wasn't the only one. The greatest sentiment of vengeance by Juno is directed to men and this can be seen several times during the saga. The first time is in the finale of Brotherhood, when Desmond sees her in Santa Maria Aracoeli and then in the final room of the temple. Juno's scolding tone is mixed with grudge. It can be noticed when she speaks about men as a fallacious hope and when she affirms that mankind destroyed the Pieces of Eden or made use of them to fight each other instead of using them wisely. The same thing then happens also when she talks about the sixth sense, absent in men. After the catastrophe they tried to pass the sixth sense on with the blood through mankind, but with unsatisfactory results.
So Juno, according to my interpretation, during the war between mankind and TWCB found herself in an extremely particular situation, although not necessarily original. Starting from an initial situation of slave control of men, the burst of the war must have increased the grudge towards the mankind, that probably was already previously present anyway. The war, furthermore, stripped her of her beloved father and this fact surely must have greatly boosted Juno's hatred (one can't exclude that the catastrophe, not stopped because of men, eliminated other TWCB loved by Juno). While TWCB tried to save the Earth, then, the experiment on Aita and the uncaring attitude of Jupiter, with the prolonged suffering of her husband and the forthcoming catastrophe, may have led Juno to not look kindly upon her TWCB colleagues. The last straw, eventually, was seeing Minerva and Jupiter sending messages to those men that she hated so much to try to save the world once again. So, in my opinion, this is the psychological picture with which Juno deals during the approach of the catastrophe while she prepares her “internal rebellion” with her co-conspirators at the time of TWCB, but let's go back to the sequence of events. While the war on the surface is going on, TWCB test, in chronological order, the various methods of salvation up to the fourth. The fourth method, the divination, doesn't turn out ineffective in terms of operation (as we saw in the article about the methods), but in terms of result of forecast – the catastrophe would have occurred anyway. So Minerva starts to use the device to send messages and here comes an important point. Minerva sends the AC2 message to Desmond through Ezio, doubting already to be able to save the world in her era, and gives him the task to save it in 2012. Minerva, therefore, used the divination device to predict the coming of the second catastrophe, identify a person able to try to stop it - Desmond - and, observing what would have happened to him (the abduction at the hand of Abstergo, the escape and the analysis of Ezio's memories), send the message that we all know. In the explanation of the fourth method Juno hints that the messages sent by Minerva were hidden in time, where nobody could find them, except Desmond and who was in the Temple. This includes Juno herself and so it's possible that she saw the AC2 message and, depending on her grudge described before, she chose to use the divination device and Minerva's target (Desmond) for her own purposes. From this comes the message from Brotherhood, that the guide points out to have happened before, in terms of transmission, the Revelations one. The ACB message proves to be extremely ductile for the plot and, considering that it's a work released in 2010 but planned previously, also brilliant in terms of connections. Considering, therefore, Juno's intentions, some dialogues can be reinterpreted then, with the help of the guide. Juno, in the Brotherhood message, refers, first of all, to the divination and transcendence methods: Here is a safe place. Eternal. To store objects. Words. Wisdom. But not life. Almost did we have the means. But time... time erodes us. We can distract him. We can see past him. Feint left when he strikes right. But his reach is so very long. His stamina unending. We cannot evade his grasp. Not forever. When Juno says TWCB had the means to preserve life, she's referring to the sixth method of salvation, the transcendence (the transfer of mind in the vessels we saw in the article about the methods). On the other hand, seeing past the time and avoiding its “attacks”, retrospectively, is a particular manner to define the use of the divination device with which TWCB tried to predict the future and interact with it. While Desmond jumps on the various platforms of the final room in the temple below Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Juno pronounces another interesting sentence: It is hard to stay contained. Knowing as we do. We wait for you, Desmond. You will come here. You will activate it. You will know only when it is too late. This part of the message, inexplicable back then with the elements in our hand, now is a lot clearer and almost bold on Juno's part. She directly tells Desmond she's imprisoned (in the transcendence vessel). The plural, moreover, isn't necessarily to explain as a pluralis maiestatis, but it can concern Juno's followers. The last part, finally, is the most illuminating one, in retrospect. Juno, indeed, tells Desmond, in a cryptic way, exactly what he'll do, in the guise of a task / work. She's waiting for him, he'll go to the Grand Temple, he'll open the door and activate the biometric device to free her and he'll know about the plan only when it'll be too late. Too late for what? We'll examine it later, that is justified too. This proves how, at this point, Juno has already organized most of her plan, even before her treason is discovered by Minerva and Jupiter. But that's not all, the message isn't completed yet. On the 72nd day before the moment of awakening. You, birthed from our loins and the loins of our enemies. The end and the beginning, who we abhor and honor. The final journey commences. There is one who would accompany you through the gate. She lies not within our sight. The cross darkens the horizon. Juno affirms that for Desmond that day (October 10th, 2012) is the 72nd before the awakening and now we know who she's talking about, considering that Desmond himself releases Juno on December 21st, 2012. Juno's words appear more and more like a task, a destiny to fulfill, when actually everything is part of her plan. At this point, with hindsight, it's possible that the “she” who would have gone with Desmond beyond the door may be Lucy Stillman. Juno says "She lies not within our sight". Hence the idea of Lucy, who didn't fall within Juno's plan to the point that she made Desmond kill her. As we saw in the piece about the methods, we also know that Juno didn't force Juno's assassination. The goddess, indeed, was way more sly: she showed Desmond, through the divination device, the possible future in which the blonde would have stolen the Apple, taken it to the Templars for the launch of the Eye-Abstergo satellite and how this one would have failed. So Juno proves herself expert in the creation of her project and in the use of the divination device, seeing that Desmond acts exactly as she wants.
So Juno in the ending of ACB, through the Apple, pushes Desmond to Lucy and, before making him see the possible future with miss Stillman's betrayal, pronounces other sentences that make sense with AC3: The Path must be opened. You cannot escape your part in this. The scales shall be balanced. (...)You know very little. We must guide you. Cease your struggle. (...) – Desmond kills Lucy - It is done. The way lies all before you. Only she remains to be found. Awaken the sixth. Go. ALONE! In this case the path that must be opened is the one Desmond must travel according to Juno whereas the scales that will be balanced is maybe the plan of Juno herself, free from restraints once Lucy is killed. The final sentence, furthermore, is the one that made the fans rack their brains since the release of Brotherhood together with the one about Subject 16. After AC3, indeed, it can be finally interpreted more clearly. The "she" to be found could be the Key of the Grand Temple or even a reference to Juno herself. The sixth to awaken wasn't a temple or the sense of knowledge / Eagle Sense: now finally we know she was referring to the sixth method of salvation, the Transcendence, that through Desmond's touch allowed Juno to be released. Closing this break dedicated to Juno's message, we can go back to TWCB era. Juno plans the rebellion together with her followers and uses the divination device to get in the way of the other TWCB and begins her millenarian project. As explained by Minerva, after an unspecified period of time, the betrayal of the “goddess” is unveiled by Minerva and her companions, who put a stop to it, killing Juno (or believing so) and her allies. Minerva & co. , then, decide to send another message to Desmond, fixing up the one sent by Juno and with the hope that Desmond could finish their work, once nullified Juno. That message is the one we saw in Revelations at the hand of Tinia / Jupiter in which he induces Desmond to go to the Grand Temple to try and finish TWCB's work and save the world from the catastrophe. In regards to this I'd like to stress that maybe it's in this period of time that, always through calculations / previsions, TWCB leave the coordinates of the Grand Temple in the Temple of Pythagoras so that Desmond – into a coma – can find them through Ezio. After having killed Juno and sent the message, TWCB, before leaving the Temple, decide to destroy, just to be sure, the divination device, as the guide says and Juno confirms it in the finale with the sentence “You... But how? You left! You destroyed the device!”. But the guide says Minerva and her colleagues weren't careful and didn't verify that Juno was really dead and so “(…)we were deceived. She survived. She endured. And then she began to work...”. Minerva narrates that in some way she and her colleagues were deceived by Juno. Does this imply also a plan by Juno that contemplated the discovery of her projects and her fake / illusory death so she could have “worked” in the next 75.000 years? At present this part is still shrouded in mystery. What is certain is that somehow Juno survived and transferred her consciousness in the vessels of the Temple dedicated to the Transcendence method with the intent to survive for a long time – “She endured.” – and carry out her plan. At this point the paths of the plot to follow are two: Jupiter and Minerva's further actions and Juno's devilish plan. Let's describe them in order. After the attempt to kill Juno and the destruction of the divination device, Minerva, Tinia and the other TWCB leave the Grand Temple and double-lock it (the keys were none other than an Apple and the medallion of AC3). The picture originating from this is very similar to what Minerva offered Desmond in her solution of the AC3 finale. Minerva immediately talks about the rebuilding of civilization, so the Toba catastrophe must have necessarily occurred shortly before, maybe simultaneously with the facts related to Juno and her little rebellion. For centuries Minerva and Jupiter, and not only them (the other TWCB?) walked the world, among men, trying to make the civilization prosper as they narrated in the messages for Desmond. At first sight that sentence implies that TWCB could live for a very long time, but I'm more inclined towards a possible use of the transcendence by them, jumping from a human body to the other as Hermes Trismegistus does in Project Legacy (see the article about the methods for further information).
Right, her millenarian plan of which many have talked, often saying that it was dragged in without having been announced and without previous clues. Let's see if it was so unfounded. After having sent the message to Desmond and having been “killed”, as I touched on above, Juno somehow survived and started to “work” in several directions. Her purpose, being in the vessel, was to leave and take revenge against men, but she couldn't finish it immediately because the other TWCB were still alive and could have got rid of her permanently. Depending on this, Juno schemed a plan that could have helped her to be freed in an age where TWCB would have been dead, but there was a problem. As we saw in the article about the methods, to leave the metal vessel of the Transcendence method “required something more... Something wrong...". Since Desmond was the only one able to free Juno, I think that a high concentration of First Civilization DNA (something more) was needed to free a consciousness from the transcendence vessel and furthermore, this freeing would have demanded the life of who would have performed it (something wrong), as it happened to Desmond. So Juno couldn't hope to be freed in TWCB era, both because they would have killed her permanently and because the only individuals with a suitable DNA were the other TWCB. Here Minerva's divination device must have come into play. She and Jupiter, indeed, had sent the messages to Desmond himself because he was the only one with a quantity of TWCB DNA such that he could use their artifacts and their technology in the right way, as explained by Bill Miles in the Revelations dialogues. So Juno could have used this search for Desmond for her own purposes. This makes sense because in Desmond there was that big quantity of TWCB's DNA that would have allowed him to free her, in a period when all the other TWCB would have been dead. Desmond, therefore, was the real key to free her (as the guide says), not the medallion or the Apple. At this point Juno was missing only the modalities. How to persuade Desmond to touch the biometric device? And when? Here you can see how “millenary” her plan is. Juno, staying in the Temple, influenced various historical characters so that they acted according to her purposes, in order to bring Desmond closer, both physically and psychologically. Before seeing Juno's action documented, however, I’d like to explain how Juno interacted with all these characters through the words of the guide: What she could do, it seems, was use the technology within the Grand Temple “hub” to convene with Pieces of Eden throughout the world - and, by extension, those who interact with them. Though their effects may seems fantastical, the primary purpose of these First Civilization devices appears to be the transmission of data.
Juno didn't have the divination device anymore to talk with the various characters in the future, because it had been destroyed by Minerva and her mates. What she could do, therefore, was using the technology she had to communicate in real time (and so not in the future) with the various users of the Pieces of Eden throughout the world. For example the Juno of 1769 communicated in real-time with Ratonhnhaké:ton in 1769, and the same happened with the other people who “met” her. So who were these people? Marcus Junius Brutus, 44 B.C. Contrary to what one can think, the first character we know getting, probably, a message from Juno is Marcus Junius Brutus. Brutus appears again and again in the saga, but, as for what concerns us, we are interested mainly in the forty-year-old Brutus. In Project Legacy he says he has a recurring dream: a cave, a writing carved and burned into shadow, a flight “without form” thanks to which maybe he reaches the cave across field and forest, a set of warnings, prophecies, nightmares and above all Rome burning while Caesar and Cleopatra kiss. The dream ends with the sentence “Twenty three blades, twenty three keys”, to remember the twenty three stab wounds that killed Caesar. It's not clear if the dream was caused by one of TWCB, maybe Juno, but certainly Brutus' flight is very similar to the one the thirteen-year-old Ratonhnhaké:ton had, with the same warnings and prophecies that Brutus spoke about. From Project Legacy and especially from the Scrolls of Romulus in ACB, actually written by Brutus, we come to know that one day he finds the cave he explored so often in his dreams (and that will turn out to contain the TWCB temple dedicated to Juno that Desmond explores at the end of Brotherhood). It's in there that he and his co-conspirators and Assassins talk about the assassination of Julius Caesar. When the meetings with his fellow brothers end, Brutus keeps exploring the cave until he finds those bright drawings (of TWCB architecture) and those whispers he heard in his dreams. Together with them he discovers a door, the same door that Desmond opens with the password “72”. Somehow, Brutus is able to find the password too and enters the inner chamber of the temple. In his scrolls he writes: What lies inside has altered my perception and left me shaken, the very pillars of my beliefs toppled. Every event is a link in a chain, forged by something long dead. Or does it still live? These words, cryptic and hidden by writer Jeffrey Yohalem at the time of Brotherhood, seem to refer to the determinism that we talked about in the last article (every event is a link in a chain) as well as to Juno and her condition. Brutus, in effect, is maybe referring to Juno's plan when he talks about events forged by something long dead, actually still alive somehow. Going on with the story he talks about ghosts exhorting him to continue and about something powerful and unattainable located in the center of the room (at that time the Apple was in the Temple? Who took it out?). At a certain point a pedestal emerges from the ground and looking at the image it's the same pedestal that Desmond used to lift the various platforms on which he had to parkour to activate the ramp leading to the Apple. But the effect, with Brutus, is different. When Brutus touches the pedestal, he immediately has once again a vision / prophecy of Rome burning, but this time while he's awake and aware. The vision pushes him against Caesar, creating a plan also partially made up of information obtained from the visions, to the point that they determine also the day when Caesar must be killed, the Ides of March. My theory, hence, sees Juno behind these whispers and this prophecy of Rome burning, which is nothing more than a possible future, as we are already used to interpret. The questions, as usual is: why? The last scrolls of Brutus shows a certain regret for having killed Caesar, not for what he had done, but for what he could have done. Brutus wonders, moreover, if Caesar, looking in his eyes before dying, realized what he had seen in the temple. The scrolls end with Brutus' doubt about the fact that someone else, in the future, will be called to the temple for a similar, fatal motivation, maybe the one who's reading his scrolls. Eventually, as a dramatic turn of events, Brutus writes that “you must speak aloud--”, but alas the final piece of the scroll was torn off or is missing. Ezio Auditore, 1505
We are around 1505 (according to the novel), during a meeting between Ezio, Leonardo and Machiavelli regarding the recent escape of Micheletto Corella to Spain. Machiavelli asks for Leonardo's help because recently the Apple isn't working like before, since it showed, as objective, a generic Spanish castle. Machiavelli thinks of a mechanical problem but Leonardo says it can be possible because the Apple reacts perfectly only to Ezio, as if it had its own will. In that moment Ezio remembers how the answers of the Apple came always from a voice. Not being “mechanical”, so, Leonardo supposes that the Apple doesn't want to “help” like before and incites Ezio to ask it the reason. The answer, heard only by Ezio, is the following: “Ezio Auditore, you have done well. But I have more than played my part in your career and you must now return me. Take me to a vault you will find under the Capitoline, and leave me there to be found by future members of your Brotherhood. But be quick! You must then ride posthaste to Naples, where Micheletto is embarking for Valencia! This knowledge is my last gift to you. You have more than enough power of your own now to have no further need of me. But I will lie in the ground until future generations do have need of me. So you must leave a sign to indicate my burial place. Farewell, Mentor of the Brotherhood! Farewell! Farewell!” It's possible that (considering as canon this part of the novel) the voice is Juno's, as she foresees she'll be found and used by other Assassins and even asks Ezio to mark the route so it will be easier to find. The novel goes on saying that the same evening Ezio and Machiavelli go to the temple through a labyrinth of tunnels coming from the catacombs of the Colosseum. Here they leave the Apple and before going away they draw “secret symbols that only a member of the Brotherhood would understand” (in other words: they draw the Assassins logo that only a person with the Eagle Vision – like Desmond – would see). The book doesn't mention the Apple pronouncing the password “72” but we can assume Ezio got it from the artifact, since it wasn't present in the scrolls of Brutus. Going back to my theory, Juno makes every effort so that Ezio brings back the Apple in the Temple so that Desmond can find it in 2012 and will act as predicted by her plan. But that's not all, because with the DLC The Da Vinci Disappearance Ezio (and so the Assassins in the present) obtains the coordinates of the Grand Temple. In this case, anyhow, not necessarily these coordinates were left by Juno since also Minerva and Jupiter wanted Desmond to reach Turin. What is interesting, though, is that, following a previous advice by Leonardo, Ezio, much older, returns to Monteriggioni to leave a clue – visible only with the Eagle Vision – that will let Desmond's team obtain the password to access the Temple. Did Juno predict this too? Maybe not, maybe she did, without a doubt it was essential for Desmond to enter the Temple near the Colosseum and Santa Maria in Aracoeli. Ratonhnhaké:ton, 1769 and 1783
Juno briefly describes what the Nexus is, saying it's a place from where probabilities are calculated so that the proper (life?) path may be chosen. Following this sentence, so, we have two possibilities: either this message places itself before the attempted murder of Juno from Minerva and Jupiter, when she still had the divination device to calculate the possible futures, or what Juno showed is just an adornment / possible future to persuade Connor to act as she wants. The difference is in the Nexus functioning. If it can be created and accessed simply through a Piece of Eden, as the dialogues of Juno with Connor and Desmond in the Grand Temple suggest, then the second theory (adornment) is practicable. If, on the other hand, the divination device is necessary, that, I remember you, was destroyed in the Grand Temple by TWCB around 75.000 B.C., then plot holes may occur (how did Juno send the visions of possible futures without the divination device?). The AC3 guide partially unravels the knot: Her (of Juno) influence may spread far beyond Desmond's direct lineage. Connor's tribe, for example, was enjoined by Juno to protect a “sanctuary” (the Grand Temple) for an indeterminate number of years prior to his birth. In particular also Kaniehtí:io, when Haytham tried to access the Temple, he gave indirectly some information about the relationship between Juno and her people: (about the drawings on the wall at the entrance of the temple) It tells the story of Iottsitíson, who came into their world and shaped it for what life might come. She had a hard journey, fraught with great loss and peril. But she believed in her children and what they might achieve. And though she is long gone from the physical world – her eyes still watch over us. Her ears still hear our words. Her hands still guide us. And her love still gives us strength. The references to Juno are many, even if Kaniehtí:io speaks of her positively, probably due to Juno's trick to her people. Tiio talks about the hard journey fraught with loss and peril (her father and Aita's death and the coming of the catastrophe), about the fact that Iottsitíson is long gone from the physical world (the transcendence with the transfer of Juno's consciousness into TWCB machines) and says the goddess still sees and interacts with her people (thanks to the Pieces of Eden). If Juno's influence reached Connor's village for several years, it is thanks to the Crystal Ball. Following the quoted passages, therefore, it is fair to be inclined towards the messages and visions created in real time by Juno for Connor (and before him for the other members of the tribe) only through the Ball and without the help of the divination device, at this point long since destroyed. In the Connor’s case the vision “materializes” in a eagle flight (very similar to Brutus' aery flight), that should show him the right path to travel. Juno affirms that Connor is represented by a form, the eagle, known by his people to allow a better navigation in the vision (even the location is similar to the Frontier one). It may seem a sort of synchronization rate with the vision… Juno then, speaking in the plural form (another reference to her co-conspirators?) affirms that she waited millennia for Connor's arrival because he would have brought to “him” - to Desmond – the last piece (of the puzzle – plan or the last Piece of Eden, the key), so that “he” could open the door (of the last room of the Grand Temple). From here Juno's tone calms down because Connor doesn't understand (and so he might not act as expected?). The goddess tells him he's important, in ways he will never know: here is another reference to the importance of Connor so that Desmond might finish her plan. Juno then disguises her interest so that the Grand Temple won't be violated showing people – the Templars – plotting to seize Connor's land. Depending on this the goddess gives a task to Connor, to protect the sanctuary from those who would have changed / nullified “their” work (of Juno and her co-conspirators), but when Connor asks which sanctuary and work she's talking about, Juno keeps quiet. To make up for it she starts showing him visions to “direct” his path. Without a guardian the Grand Temple would be violated and this untimely access would destabilize the whole zone, causing the destruction of Connor's village and people. Probably this last information changes something in Connor, considering that after a moment of silence he asks what he must do and soon after Juno tells him to seek the Assassins. The facade, so, is that Templars mustn't enter the Temple of Turin because otherwise they would destroy the land on which the village rises up along with its people, but the truth is different. It's true, Juno needs Connor to be the guardian, but not (only) of the Temple. Connor is very important for Juno's plan because he must guard the Key of the inner room of the Temple, so that it will get to Desmond without interferences or intrusions. Basically this is the same strategy used with Ezio, to make him hide the PE in a safe place so that it will be found by Desmond and his team and used in the Grand Temple.
With hindsight it really seems that Juno almost revealed her plan. In my hypothesis “what once was” is Juno free, but this theory may also be applied to the TWCB's domination. Connor says he doesn't understand, but Juno, authoritative, replies there's no need for him to comprehend. Juno just wants Connor to do what she asked him and then he'll be free to do what he wants. When Connor talks about his people, Juno lies saying he should be satisfied because he fulfilled the task as a guardian, task that his people had for generations. Pity that the task of guardian was enjoined by Juno herself so that the Temple couldn't be opened before the arrival of Desmond... So once again Connor, reluctant, obeys Juno and buries the key in the tomb of Connor Davenport, Achilles' son, so that Desmond can easily find it, as predicted by the millenarian plan. Clay Kaczmarek, 2011 and 2012
The objective is to explore the life of his various ancestors, among whom Ezio Auditore. The true purpose of these sessions and of the Animus Project, though, was locating an Apple of Eden through Desmond (the one that Ezio Auditore had) to start the Eye Abstergo project. Eye was a satellite on which the Templars would have put the Apple (according to the Assassins) to dominate the people and try to create, for the umpteenth time, their New World Order. At first Clay was in the dark about Abstergo's purposes and was actually on a mission for the Assassins to obtain information about the Animus Project. According to William's plan, Clay had to be tested by Abstergo during the day and had to search for information for the Assassins during the night. To do so in the enemies' hideout Clay had to be helped by Lucy Stillman, born and raised among Assassins and on an undercover mission at Abstergo since at least 5 years. Clay and Lucy should have escaped from Abstergo, after having obtained the needed information. The sessions went on for months and months, with the bleeding effect that soon showed itself and Clay who slowly risked going crazy. During a moment of great intensity of the Bleeding Effect Clay met Juno, probably through a generated memory of an ancestor. In this case Juno's complete dialogue with Clay is missing (since what we have comes from the Lost Archive and so from Clay’s devastated mind), but the method is comparable to the ones we saw earlier. Juno tells Clay she appeared to show him the path, and the actions to undertake, exactly as she did with Connor, but this time she also mentions Eden with Clay. The dialogue in the Lost Archive is fragmented, but we can hear Clay saying “I can see. What has been, what will be” and Juno replying “Then what you must do is clear. Help Desmond Miles”. Unlike the other cases, this time Juno is extremely clear while she says what she wants him to do, to the point that she mentions Desmond's name and surname just to express plainly what she desires. Juno was probably quite clear also regarding her purposes (the awakening and the punishment of men) because Clay, unlike the other assassins consulted by Juno, refuses categorically to obey. Juno doesn't lose her composure too much, because she still has a card up her sleeve, and replies that this message waited for thousands of years and her promise (Desmond's help or probably her own awakening) will soon be fulfilled. In this case too it's unclear if the message to Clay was sent through the divination device in 75.000 B.C. (the fact it waited for thousands of years would become clear) or in real-time through a Piece of Eden in possession of Clay's ancestor (in this case maybe Juno is the one who waited thousands of years). In any case in the beginning Clay refuses to help her, maybe also because Juno showed him directly a vision of what she expected to happen (in other words Desmond's story, from the abduction to Juno's liberation). In this sense interpreting the sentence “I can see. What has been, what will be” and understanding Clay's refusal would finally be easier. The Lost Archive, then, has various elements confirming that Clay is well-informed about TWCB and about Juno's plan:
Clay, now resigned to the fact that he'll never leave Abstergo and aware of his role in Juno's plan, gives up and accepts his task to help Desmond. Juno replies, using the plural, saying that everyone must suffer like she suffered (remember her father killed by men and Aita sacrificed almost in vain). In the last week at Abstergo, therefore, since he can't escape, Clay plans the only way at his disposal to help Desmond, fulfilling his role in Juno's plan: the cryptic messages written with blood in the Abstergo laboratory and the creation of glyphs and clusters with the construction of his digital alter ego, harbored in the core of the Animus. Daniel Cross, 2012
The ten years between the facts of The Chain (2002) and the events of AC3 and ACI (2012) completely changed Daniel. He's still an operative agent devoted to the cause, to the point that he continued the Great Purge in all the ten years going so far as to kill Hannah Mueller (the woman who introduced him to the Assassins), and capture Desmond on behalf of Abstergo. On the other hand, his psychic conditions worsened. Daniel is unstable, medical reports say he suffers frequently from amnesia, nausea, headache and blackouts, and also his behavior has changed: he gets quickly angry, makes autonomous choices without respecting orders, and often doesn't control his own thoughts and actions. This instability is due, in part, to the prolongation of the bleeding effect (in 2012 Dr. Sung, character of The Chain, prescribes him 3 days in the Animus as a cure, unsuccessfully) and in part to another couple of causes, one internal and the other external to Mr. Cross. The second factor is, therefore, his relationship with Vidic. The relation between Daniel and Vidic is a wicked exaggeration of the father-son relationship. Vidic sees Daniel as a son, but only because he is his creation (considering he “built" him since he was a child inserting an impulse that would drive him to kill the Mentor of the Assassins in 2000) and maybe his most successful project and a source of pride in Abstergo. Daniel, in the light of this, especially in ACI, shows a continuous attempt at action in order to please Vidic and when their opinions diverge, in the end Daniel often gives up and obeys. Due to this kind of relationship, Daniel does his best to find and capture Desmond and to look for Mr. Miles a second time, once Project Siren (in a few words the double-crossing of Lucy with the Assassins) has failed due to Lucy's death. The emotionally unstable Daniel is nervously worried about Desmond's escape and gets angry with his “father” when he learns about Project Siren, of which he wasn't informed. The third factor causing Daniel's instability is his participation to a mission in Denver where something went so terribly wrong that he suffered such a heavy psychological trauma that he doesn't want to come back there anymore. Probably it's a reference to the Denver International Airport accident (DIA), which happened in the weeks before the beginning of AC1, when, according to Lucy's words, an Apple of Eden was destroyed in an Abstergo's underground lab. In AC1 there's an e-mail by Alan Rikkin, the Abstergo CEO, concerning Vidic's report about the event, in which the doctor writes that the "Project Lead" in Denver killed everyone before the arrival of the teamss dedicated to the cleaning and the covering of the “incident”. Rikkin also talks about the troubles of Abstergo in covering the fact due to a former baggage handler, who is spreading rumors in various forums about a mass murder and the covering from a big company.
Considering the idea that the two e-mails have in common (sharing and making everything known to public), it is possible to say that the author of the second e-mail may be the baggage handler Rikkin was talking about and so the man with the Apple opening in his hand was the Project Lead (since Rikkin says he killed everyone). Wrapping up the various elements, therefore, my idea is that Daniel was the Project Lead, also because if Vidic wrote a report about the accident, it means the situation was under his jurisdiction and, as we saw on Initiates, Daniel was Vidic's best man. This theory would explain, moreover, how come Daniel suffered such a heavy psychological trauma that he didn't want to go back to Denver anymore, the view of the slaughter must have destabilized him. So, still according to this theory, Daniel would have been in direct contact with the Apple and it's possible (but in this case there isn't any confirmation) that he may have met Juno in this instance or at least that the goddess caused the massacre with the intent to destabilize Daniel, foreseeing his future encounter with Desmond. Furthermore, the destruction of the Apple in Denver extremely delayed the launch of the Eye Abstergo satellite, so Abstergo was forced to search for Desmond starting the series of events that contributed to the realization of the plan. The events that best show a possible influence of Juno on Daniel, though, start on October 19th, 2012. We are after the conclusion of Brotherhood, the team made up of William, Rebecca, Shaun and Desmond in a coma must escape from Italy and reach Turin, but they're pursued by Abstergo agents. The Assassins formulate a plan that needs their presence in a Florence airport to leave the country. At the same time Daniel finds out the failure of Project Siren and, anxious about Desmond's escape, asks Vidic to come back to Rome from Philadelphia to find him. Vidic agrees, but when Daniel arrives in the capital, he finds out his presence is required to train the new recruits and not to search for Desmond. Daniel gets angry but once again he obeys the doctor, who asks him to submit to Theodore Rizzo's orders, one of the men leading the Rome facility. In a successive report of the latter to Vidic we can see that Daniel isn't cooperative at all, to the point that he attacks some of Rizzo's men inside the Abstergo facility and even tries to run away to search for Desmond alone, violating the orders. Vidic takes note and, trusting Daniel, gives Rizzo the task to build a team and find Cross so that the squad will be able to help him to search for Desmond. The team led by Rizzo reaches Daniel on October 26th in Florence, where the young man finds four Assassins.
Also in this case Daniel gets in contact with the Apple, even though he doesn't touch it directly. Initiates doesn't specify the modalities and if it was an Assassin to use the Apple or the latter activated by itself. So we can't exclude that Juno was behind this. It's possible that she used the Apple to stop Cross (who was already unstable) and prompt him to attack his companions, after all the goddess needed Desmond and Co. to reach the Grand Temple for the last part of her millenarian plan. The last situation in which Juno may have influenced Daniel to achieve her plan happens on December 14th, 2012, the day of his death. During Desmond's solo attack to the Abstergo facility in Rome, the young man turns up in the room where three months before he relieved Altaïr's memories and stumbles on Daniel, who, shooting, forces him to hide behind the Animus. Desmond is in Daniel’s hands when the latter, at a certain point, notices something's wrong, or rather he recognizes something that he has already experienced before because he shouts "Not now... Not now... There is still work to be done. No! Get out! Get out!". Daniel holds his head and screams to what he’s hearing to leave. While he shouts the above-mentioned sentence, yellow symbols similar to the ones of TWCB's architecture appear on his temple. What he hears is so strong that it drives him crazy and makes him run away screaming to the voice to leave his head. Desmond decides to chase him and in a short time he kills him and carries on his mission. My idea is that also in this situation what happened in Florence and maybe Denver occurred again. Like in these two cases an Apple is nearby and Daniel holds his head for something that only he can hear. In particular the yellow symbols on his temple are the same that the guards of the Abstergo facility have when Desmond uses the Apple on them, so we have a confirmation that Daniel is under the influence of the Apple when he goes crazy in front of Desmond. In particular, more in this situation then in the other two, one can see the possible interference of Juno as, once again, if Daniel had continued to do what he was going to do, her millenarian plan would have been compromised. If that's how things are, it would be clear from where the voices that Daniel wants to disappear are coming come and, above all, his sudden madness wouldn't be a convenient coincidence for the plot anymore, but a well-though event by the diabolical Juno. Now that we saw all the hypothetical elements of Juno's plan, we can finally move to 2012, to Desmond and his team (let's rewind the tape till September 2012). As expected by the millenarian plan, in the Abstergo lab Desmond finds Clay's cryptic messages that mainly (but not only) give an idea of the looming catastrophe of December 21st and soon after, due to Project Siren, Lucy makes him run away. During the escape she delivers to the Assassins the Animus core, allowing Clay to further help Desmond. Desmond solves the glyphs and clusters that permit the rebuild of Clay's digital construction. Meanwhile the team finds the password hidden by Ezio in Monteriggioni, reaches the Colosseum and the Temple of Juno, finds the Assassins' symbols left by Ezio (as expected by the millenarian plan) and accesses the inner room of the Temple. Here Desmond gets Juno's message, the vision of Lucy stealing the Apple and the failure of Eye Abstergo and so he chooses to kill the blonde, “opening up the path” towards the Grand Temple, everything according to Juno's project. At this point Desmond goes into a coma, but the plan is “strong” thanks to Clay, who can help him once again, this time to stay stable (with the famous scene of “Scheduled for deletion”) and reaches the Grand Temple without going crazy. So Desmond arrives in Turin and uses the Apple as the Temple's first key, entering with his team. Here, while Juno tries to gain his favor through the story of the six methods, he follows Connor's events, at first forced by the goddess and the Temple itself. In the end Desmond finds the second key of the Temple, the amulet that Ratonhnhaké:ton hid following Juno's words and plan. Everything while the solar flare is just a few hours away. The millenarian project is coming to an end. Desmond is going to touch the biometric device, but at the last minute the greatest obstacle arrives to bother Juno, in other words Minerva. The goddess has very little time to tell Desmond what happened before the start of the 2012 catastrophe, and so she does what she can with the time she has. Moreover the suggested solution doesn't bring hope according to Desmond, and so, as we saw, Juno can even unveil her intentions with him, to the point that she's sure he'll choose her alternative and not Minerva's one. But why is she so sure? The answer is in this dialogue in the AC3 finale: William: (...) We'll find another way. Desmond: There isn't time! William: Son ... Desmond: You know it's true. It's already started. I need to do this now. So, go! GO! There isn't time. Why? Juno's plan was schemed not only in terms of events and people involved but also of time. Juno needed Desmond to be released, but if the catastrophe hadn't been imminent Desmond and his team would have thought about another solution, that maybe would have allowed not to “roast” the world or free the vengeful goddess. So it seems, also by reading the guide, that Juno schemed her millenarian plan so that Desmond entered the inner room of the Grand Temple exactly during the first minutes of December 21, 2012, neither before nor after. With the forthcoming catastrophe Desmond would have been forced to choose immediately the solution that seemed right to him, without the time to plan a countermeasure. Here's why Juno made Connor's village protect the Temple / sanctuary for generations, and here's why she gave Connor the same task as a guardian (to prevent the Templars from breaking into the Temple). Her aim was to prevent anyone from entering the Temple (with the risk of ruining her plan) before Desmond's team, so that he would have been forced, by events, to free her. As I said before, the guide confirms everything in this passage: ln that moment, on December 21, 2012, Desmond and his companions have no opportunity to explore alternative actions or lines of inquiry: as the cutscenes that accompany the conclusion of the story show, the end is well and truly nigh. Juno's plan was not to lead Desmond to the Grand Temple, but to engineer his arrival at a very specific point in time, when the catastrophe would represent a gun that she could hold to the head of the world. Had mankind (whether through Desmond or another) entered the Grand Temple prior to this point, it might have found a way to separate Juno from the technology within; to secure safe passage beyond December 21, 2012 without paying her toll. In short, it may be that those subject to Juno's manipulation throughout history have worked not to protect the vault from the Templars, but from everyone – irrespective of affiliation or intent. As we saw Juno's plan is successful even if some obstacles occurred. There's still one more thing left. Juno promises Desmond to save the world in return for her liberation. Desmond accepts, trusting a treacherous and manipulator person (or I should say goddess). Desmond is taking a great risk, Juno might be freed and let the world burn. But the goddess keeps her word and saves the world. At this point it's logical to wonder how she could do it and why she didn't do it back when the first catastrophe happened, in TWCB time. The answer is in AC3, even if in a so cryptic and concise way that it's hard to understand without the guide. The guidebook reveals that Juno uses the first method of salvation, the four towers (I told you in the article about the methods that it would have been important for the conclusion!). The method, in the age of TWCB, considered the construction of four towers able to absorb the energy of the solar flare to direct it inside the Grand Temple. Juno says that, unfortunately, the work would have required more than a thousand years and so the project was abandoned after the partial building of the first tower. At the end of the description, Juno says some TWCB resumed the project thinking they might automate the process, while she and the others focused on the following methods. Metal might have finished what flesh could not. These TWCB were probably Juno's followers, but it's also possible they were simple TWCB dedicated to this process, like Minerva with the divination method. In this case Juno would have laid hands on their work after having transferred her own consciousness in the machines of the Temple. As the guide says, Juno's words mean to suggest that the automation process had a positive outcome and so that the towers were built and the goddess used them to stop the catastrophe on December 21st, 2012. Furthermore, if a thousand years was needed, Juno had at her disposal 75.000 years, plus other 2012 years. The guide, moreover, highlights how Juno wanted to keep everyone away from the Temple before 2012, also because the secret of the four towers would have been discovered and so she wouldn't have had at her disposal the big medium of exchange to save the world once in front of Desmond, and so she wouldn't have persuaded him to free her. The big explanation of the AC3 finale ends here, but some elements still have to be debated for the sake of completeness and some doubts and questions are still unresolved. Stay tuned till the next article to finish the argument! Continue to Part3...
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