Assassin's Creed Initiates: Surveillance - Moscow & Protvino
| 1 - MOSCOW // RUSSIA // 2014-02-15 // 03:53 - ALONE IN THE DARK
 | 2 - VLADIVOSTOK // RUSSIA // 2014-02-19 // 10:36 - GETTING CLOSER
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After solving William's puzzle, we have a destination: Moscow.
A new puzzle will help us narrow things down within the city. The crew is still, ahem, puzzling over this page.
I think I've figured it out, though. What do you think?
I remain your humble spy.
 | 3 - VLADIMIR // RUSSIA // 2014-03-07 // 15:41 - IN TRANSIT
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Gavin, Emmanuel, and Emmett are hurtling towards Moscow on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
Meanwhile, the rest of us aboard the Altair II are sailing around Russia to land in St. Petersburg.
Emmett sends daily logs of the away team's activity via his phone, which has been updated with Hephaestus 2.0. So far he's just sending snapshots of his meals, from which I will spare you.
On the plus side, Emmett's absence presents me with a rare opportunity to get on his machines. This gamble has already paid off: I've discovered an odd backdoor from an Abstergo server to an old Assassin laboratory in Protvino, outside of Moscow. Most of the files are corrupt, which is strange, but I will extract what I can and upload any files of interest to the appropriate section of the Initiates Database, so watch out for updates.
The whole thing is strange. Abstergo isn't spying on this lab or making any moves towards it. If I didn't know any better, I would say that they aren't even aware that this backdoor exists. So the question becomes: Who put it there, and why?
I remain your humble spy.
 | 4 - MOSCOW // RUSSIA // 2014-03-16 // 21:09 - MEET GALINA
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The following is an excerpt from Emmett's report on their mission in Moscow:
Hey guys. We have established contact with an Assassin in Moscow, Galina Voronina.
So this is awkward: she wants us to assassinate her mother, an Assassin scientist who went nuts. Apparently this lady built her own Animus and forced the other members of her cell into it!
The mother's holed up inside the lab, but, to get to her, we have to fight through the remains of the Russian Brotherhood, driven insane by the Bleeding Effect.
It gets worse: this old bat might be the craziest of all. She swears that through the Animus, she's talking to Eve.
I remain your humble spy. |
 | 5 - MOSCOW // RUSSIA // 2014-03-18 // 10:06 - THE LAST SCIENCE CITY
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The following is an excerpt from Emmett's report on their mission in Moscow:
I tried to explain to Galina that you can't actually talk to anyone in the Animus, it's a one way experience. She didn't listen to me and shot me a look that made me want to shit my pants.
There are very few documented cases of contact with anyone from the First Civilization or that era. We still don't really know what their deal is.
Gavin's agreed to help and thinks he can solve it with words rather than violence. After all, we need to know what's going on with their cell. We're going to a real-life Soviet Science City! (How cool is that?)
I remain your humble spy.
 | 6 - PROTVINO // RUSSIA // 2014-03-20 // 16:23 - MATRICIDE
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The following is an excerpt from Emmett's report on their mission in Moscow:
We found the science city! What a disappointment. This place is a rotten shithole. It's also crawling with feral Assassins, driven mad by the Bleeding Effect.
We all had guns (except Manny) but Galina refused. She had two hidden blades. Galina ended all of them, practically by herself. It was like a gruesome ballet.
One of the mad Assassins looked exactly like her! A twin? Galina didn't even blink, killed her in SECONDS. Man, she's scary.
Sidebar: I am a terrible shot. Why didn't I stay on the fucking boat?
We forced our way into the lab. Galina's mother was there, strapped to the saddest-looking Animus I have ever seen. The parts were ancient. It shouldn't have been running at all. She was just babbling. Something about her lost husband, the colour gray. Bleeding Effect nonsense.
There were monitors on the wall. It was just static but… it looked like there was a face in there. I feel like I've seen it before but I can't place it…
Galina knelt down next to the machine, and plunged her blade into her mother's brain. Everyone was looking at them, but I kept looking at that face in the monitors. It looked like it was screaming but it's gone now. Was it even there?
I remain your humble spy.
 | 7 - SAINT PETERSBURG // RUSSIA // 2014-03-26 // 07:43 - A NEW DAWN IN MOSCOW
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Gavin's away team met us in St. Petersburg and brought Galina along. She's the last of the Russian Assassins. Gavin has convinced her to join us on the boat, and judging from her performance in the Assassin lab, it looks like he's got his wish for an enforcer. I'm sure Manny is relieved.
Eric asked Galina how she avoided doing time in her mother's Animus and ending up like the poor souls she put down.
“I didn't,” she said, “I went into it like everyone else and learned to fight from my ancestors. I just didn't go crazy.”
Time will tell, I suppose.
Akaki and Nodai have sent word to their contacts in Georgia to send agents to form a new Russian Brotherhood. Osoroshii Baba will supply weapons from our people in the Philippines. Regardless of relations between their home countries, the Assassins are a Brotherhood without borders.
If there is one message Gavin brings with him in his tour around the world, it is this: The Assassins are no longer alone.
I remain your humble spy.