Assassin's Creed Initiates: Surveillance - Reconnecting
 | 1 - SOUTH OCEAN PACIFIC // 2013/05/14 // 9:13 - RECONNECTING
 | 2 - 2013/05/20 // 12:31 - CLOSING IN

 | 3 - 2013/05/24 // 8:07 - TRANSFER THE POWER
 | 4 - 2013/05/24 // 10:01 - TO WORK
Shaun: So what are you going to do about William?
Gavin: Nothing.
Shaun: What do you mean “nothing”? I can't find him anywhere. He's abandoned us.
Gavin: He hasn't abandoned anyone. Bill just needs time. As long as we have this book, his mission can continue.
Shaun: But if the Templars find him again ...
Gavin: If the great Shaun Hastings can't find him, what hope do the Templars have?
Shaun: It's just... He didn't even say goodbye, you know?
Gavin: He's been through a lot.
Shaun: Well, he's not the only one! Bloody selfish is what it is!
Gavin: He's never been good at goodbyes.
[a long beat]
Shaun: So what do we do now?
Gavin: We go to work. We turn the page.
 | 5 - ACAPULCO BAY // MEXICO // 2013/05/25 // 13:46 - HEPHAESTUS 2.0
 | 7 - CALIFORNIA // 2013/05/29 // 20:43 - DROP OFF POINT
Gavin: I need eyes and ears in America and you two have more than proven yourselves. Find out what's going on and check in with me whenever you can.
Rebecca: Are we getting kicked off the boat because Shaun keeps puking?
Gavin: Godspeed, Assassins.
Shaun: *blorf*
 | 8 - JASPER // TEXAS // 2013/06/10 // 20:00 - SHAUN <3 TEXAS!
From: Rebecca Crane
To: Gavin
Texas is awesome! But I think Shaun would rather be back on your boat! Good luck on your mission!

 | 10 - OKLAHOMA CITY // 2013/08/27 // 7:24 - BODY OF EVIDENCE

 | 11 - ALLIANCE // NEBRASKA // 2013/09/03 // 14:41 - GET A JOB
 | 12 - BLACK HILLS // SOUTH DAKOTA // 2013/09/06 // 15:19 - THE OLD FARM
Rebecca: This is weird, isn't it?
Shaun: How so?
Rebecca: I mean, it all happened so quickly. It feels like we barely knew him!
Shaun: I suppose. But in that short time, we broke him out of Abstergo, went on the run, watched him murder our friend who turned out to be a traitor, nursed him through a coma, crossed an Ocean and helped him reconcile with his father before he died to save the planet.
Rebecca: Yeesh. When you put it that way…
Shaun: All I'm saying is, I think we made the most of what little time we had, and we made a difference. The world lives to turn another day. Isn't that what we should hold on to?
Rebecca: When you put it that way.
Shaun: He was a bit annoying at the beginning though, wasn't he?
Rebecca: Ha. Maybe a little. But that's what we said about you, too.
Shaun: Oi!
 | 13 - HONOLULU HARBOR // 2013/09/11 // 8:18 - TRAP
Susan: So why aren't we in Osaka already? What are you waiting for?
Gavin: My guy in Osaka isn't answering.
Eric: Yeah, but all our communications went down in December. Can we not find him once we land in Japan?
Gavin: We have our own way to get in touch. His silence doesn't sit right with me.
Susan: I'm not keen to take my ship into a trap.
Gavin: I'd never dream of risking your ship, Captain. Mr. Cooper, take us to the Philippines.
Eric: Aye-aye.
Gavin: Let's go shopping, shall we?
 | 14 - GOA // INDIA // 2013/09/25 // 19:52 - SO HOT RIGHT NOW
 | 15 - SULU SEA // PHILIPPINES // 2013/10/01 // 18:24 - TO THE TEETH
Emmanuel Barraza inspects the weapons they bought from Philippine gun makers. If they're going to fight in Osaka, then they're going to fight prepared.