Assassin's Creed Initiates: The Liberator - Aveline's Story
![](Database/ACI/Av/23.jpg) | 23 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1768 - IN VINO VERITAS
After raiding the Spanish fort and liberating slaves in the Bayou, Aveline reported back to Gérald in New Orleans. She knew that the Spanish were behind the kidnapped slaves but she didn't know where they were headed, or why the slaves seemed so eager to go. Gérald said the order must have come from Governor Ulloa, who was hiding out of reach in La Balize.
The two Assassins hatched a plan to draw Ulloa out. The Spanish governor's restrictive laws had put the predominantly French population of New Orleans on edge. There were protests and unrest in the streets regularly. Aveline, disguised as a slave, followed Gérald to a demonstration and incited a riot.
While the citizens rioted against the soldiers, Gérald informed Aveline they had an opportunity to intercept a delivery of gunpowder. Aveline quickly changed into her Assassin gear and silently eliminated the guards surrounding the gunpowder-laden carriage.
Aveline and Gérald stole the carriage and raced it through the streets of the city, chased by Spanish soldiers. They crashed the carriage into a wine storehouse, causing a giant explosion. She noticed soldiers were preventing people from escaping the burning building. She cleared the way by charging into the building and killing the blocking soldiers.
Afterwards, an exhausted Gérald suggested that they regroup at the warehouse.
![](Database/ACI/Av/24.jpg) | 24 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1768 - GETTING ULLOA'S ATTENTION
After starting a riot and triggering a large explosion, Aveline and Gérald reconvened at their warehouse headquarters. To cause further disturbances to draw governor Ulloa out of hiding, Gérald suggested she sabotage Spanish ships harbored at the docks.
Aveline departed for the docks, where she boarded a ship and killed the guards onboard. She cut it loose from its anchor and was ambushed by a squad of soldiers led by her old acquaintance Captain Carlos Dominguez. After Aveline killed his men, Dominguez begged for his life. She showed him mercy but told him to save himself as she set explosives to completely destroy the vessel.
![](Database/ACI/Av/25.jpg) | 25 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1768-10-27 - A GOVERNOR NO MORE
Aveline received a letter from her mentor Agaté, summoning her to the city's cemetery. At their meeting, Agaté asked for a show of loyalty. He requested she kill Antonio de Ulloa, the Spanish governor. The riots Aveline and Gérald incited had forced the governor out of hiding in La Balize.
Aveline prepared an ambush along the governor's route into the city. She killed nearby guards and blocked exits by crashing water towers into them. The governor's convoy arrived and quickly found themselves trapped in the town square. Aveline launched her ambush by blowing up a powder keg, killing a large number of soldiers, before eliminating the survivors.
With no one left to defend him, Governor Ulloa begged Aveline to spare his wife and child. Aveline showed little sympathy but stopped when the governor revealed that the slaves were being taken to Mexico. He couldn't say why because he had no idea. Ulloa bargained for his life by offering what limited information he possessed. He suggested the workers were perhaps excavating relics of importance to the Templars from that region. In addition, he offered Aveline a special decoding lens that was given to him by the Templar Order. Aveline accepted the trade, and told the governor to take his family away from the continent and never return. Ulloa showed clear relief at her mercy, until Aveline informed him the Templars were likely to kill him sooner or later.
Aveline returned to Agaté in the cemetery and presented him with the lens. However, Agaté's pleasure quickly melted into outrage when he discovered that Aveline had disobeyed him and allowed Ulloa to live. Aveline attempted to calm her mentor, reminding him of their shared goals to free the slaves, defeat the Templars, and deliver justice. She wanted to pursue the Templars' trail to Mexico. Agaté forbade her to go, but Aveline insisted, drawing a warning from her mentor that she would live to regret her insubordination.
![](Database/ACI/Av/26.jpg) | 26 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1769 - SOUTHBOUND
Aveline made preparations to journey to Mexico to find the slaves that had been taken from New Orleans by the Templar Order. She was met at the docks by Gérald Blanc, who had heard about her plans through a disgruntled Agaté. He asked her if she was abandoning her mission as an Assassin. Aveline explained that her cover story was that her father was sending her to Cuba to locate suppliers for their business. Gérald confessed his feelings for her, but ultimately realized that there was nothing he could do or say to stop her. Instead, he helped her board a ship full of slaves bound for Mexico.
![](Database/ACI/Av/27.jpg) | 27 - Chichen Itza // Yucatán // 1769 - A NEW LIFE
Aveline arrived in the Mayan city of Chichen Itza where the Templars had opened an excavation site near some ruins. The site was supervised by the Templar Rafael Joaquin de Ferrer. Aveline mingled with other members of the community to learn more about her new surroundings. De Ferrer welcomed the newcomers to what he says will be a free and peaceful life in which they can work hard and prosper.
Aveline met a slave she had freed years earlier, who explained that while they weren't paid a wage and didn't own the land, they were allowed to participate in their new community and enjoyed comfortable homes and good food. She said she enjoyed this new life and compared the settlement to Eden.
![](Database/ACI/Av/28.jpg) | 28 - Chichen Itza // Yucatán // 1769 - GATHERING TOOLS
Aveline moved around the work site, obtaining materials needed to fashion weapons to defend herself. She stole belts from the Spanish Templar guards, knives from one of the cooks, and wooden planks from the nearby construction site. She distracted the blacksmith by blowing up kegs of gunpowder, then used his tools to fashion two makeshift hidden blades.
![](Database/ACI/Av/29.jpg) | 29 - Chichen Itza // Yucatán // 1769 - THE COMPANY MAN
Now that she was sufficiently armed, Aveline trailed the work site's overseer and the Templar Rafael Joaquin de Ferrer. She overheard de Ferrer state that the Company Man was displeased with the progress of the excavation site, and that a Templar named Vazquez was going to New Orleans to continue the Order's mission after Baptiste's failure. She followed the two men until they came to a member of the community who had attempted to escape. De Ferrer told the overseer to “educate” him and left.
Aveline killed the soldiers who were attacking the captive, then killed the overseer and stole his whip, which she used to eliminate reinforcements. The captive was grateful for Aveline's help. He pointed out that the locket she wore around her neck looked like one he had seen before, worn by a woman named Jeanne, one of the first workers to arrive at Chichen Itza. He did not know where Jeanne was, only that she lived in a private residence in the south of the camp.
![](Database/ACI/Av/30.jpg) | 30 - Chichen Itza // Yucatán // 1769 - TRAIL OF TRUTH
After learning that her long-lost mother Jeanne might be found in the Chichen Itza work camp, Aveline searched for clues. Using her Eagle Vision, she eventually found Jeanne's abandoned hut. Further clues prompted Aveline to investigate a nearby cenote.
![](Database/ACI/Av/31.jpg) | 31 - Chichen Itza // Yucatán // 1769 - THE SECRET OF THE CENOTE
Aveline explored the ruins of a First Civilization Temple and found half of a mysterious artifact known as the Prophecy Disk.
Immediately after finding the artifact, Aveline was surprised by Rafael Joaquín de Ferrer, the high-ranking Templar agent who had plotted with Governor Jean-Jacques Blaise d'Abbadie and former Assassin Baptiste. De Ferrer now threatened to steal the artifact from her, but Aveline killed him and his men before he had the chance.
![](Database/ACI/Av/32.jpg) | 32 - Chichen Itza // Yucatán // 1769 - REUNITED, BRIEFLY
After finding the first half of an artifact called the Prophecy Disk, the First Civilization Temple began to crumble around Aveline. During her escape, she was briefly reunited with her mother, Jeanne.
Jeanne wondered if Agaté had sent Aveline to Mexico to kill her and warned her daughter that the disk should never fall into Agaté's hands. To Aveline's dismay, her mother fled in terror before she could explain further.
![](Database/ACI/Av/33.jpg) | 33 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1771 - PRODIGAL DAUGHTER
Aveline returned from Mexico and reunited with Gérald Blanc. She informed him that de Ferrer would no longer trouble them. However, their warm homecoming was cut short, as new business was waiting for her. Gérald reported that Spanish soldiers were causing havoc in the Bayou. One of his informants saw a man bribing Spanish soldiers in New Orleans. Aveline promised to investigate.
Aveline located the recruiter in town and followed him as he bribed soldiers in the city. She chased him down until he hid in a fort.
![](Database/ACI/Av/34.jpg) | 34 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1771 - ROTTEN BARRACKS
Aveline infiltrated the military camp in New Orleans where the Templar recruiter was hiding. After killing him, she found a letter on his body. Aveline escaped the camp, read the letter, and discovered it was from Vazquez, who mentioned a need for more soldiers to control the Bayou.
Aveline recalled that de Ferrer mentioned Vazquez in Chichen Itza and wondered if he could be the elusive Company Man. She decided to warn Agaté and the smugglers in the Bayou.
![](Database/ACI/Av/35.jpg) | 35 - Louisiana Bayou // Spanish Louisiana // 1771 - POWER OF VOODOO
Aveline traveled to the Bayou to warn Agaté about the Templar Vazquez. However, her mentor was not pleased to see his wayward pupil and even less pleased to see the Prophecy Disk when she presented it to him. He demanded that she remove it from his sight. Aveline obeyed and was careful not to mention her mother's involvement.
Agaté was already aware that Vazquez was bribing Spanish troops. To disrupt their morale, he devised a plan to use their superstitions against them. Aveline offered to help him as proof of her loyalty. Agaté had placed signs along the Templar's patrol route, and Aveline tailed the soldiers and eliminated them silently, creating the illusion of a Voodoo curse.
Aveline doubted that Agaté's plan would be enough to stop Vazquez from recruiting more soldiers, but followed his orders nonetheless.
![](Database/ACI/Av/36.jpg) | 36 - Louisiana Bayou // Spanish Louisiana // 1771 - THE LIGHTHOUSE
Aveline reunited with her smuggler friends Elise and Roussillon to warn them of Vazquez's plots. Roussillon heard rumors that Vazquez planned to divert a supply ship.
Aveline climbed the lighthouse at the fort on Lake Pontchartrain and shut it down.
![](Database/ACI/Av/37.jpg) | 37 - Louisiana Bayou // Spanish Louisiana // 1771 - STOLEN GOODS
After Aveline sabotaged the lighthouse, the Templar supply ship ran aground. The Assassin returned to her smuggler allies and escorted them to the ship, killing the guards that attempted to stop them.
The smugglers were overjoyed with their prize. Although Vazquez wasn't on board, Roussillon found a letter that prompted Aveline to return to Chichen Itza.
![](Database/ACI/Av/38.jpg) | 38 - Chichen Itza // Yucatán // 1772 - A PIECE OF THE PUZZLE
Realizing that the First Civilization artifact she discovered in Chichen Itza was only half of a larger disk, Aveline de Grandpré returned to the ancient Mayan city to recover the other fragment. Upon entering the site, she met her mother, Jeanne. Having gotten over her initial fear, Jeanne now greeted her daughter warmly. When Aveline asked her mother if she felt free, she hinted that she would only be at peace when someone removed the rest of the artifact.
With her mother's help, Aveline acquired the second fragment from a hidden chamber within the caves.
![](Database/ACI/Av/39.jpg) | 39 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1773 - AN URGENT FAVOR
Aveline returned home from Chichen Itza to find her father Phillipe suffering from an illness, despite being administered a tonic by her step-mother Madeleine de L'Isle. Her visit with her father was cut short when Madeleine requested her assistance in helping a slave named George flee to the north. Aveline promised to provide discreet help.
Aveline found George hiding from the Spanish soldiers, escorted him to the city gates, and told him to find safety in the Bayou.
![](Database/ACI/Av/40.jpg) | 40 - Louisiana Bayou // Spanish Louisiana // 1773 - SUPPLYING THE REVOLUTION
At the request of her stepmother, Madeleine, Aveline helped an escaped slave named George flee north. She introduced him to her smuggler friends in the Bayou, who were attempting to deliver supplies to the Patriots fighting in the American Revolution.
In exchange for her help in delivering the supplies, Aveline had the Patriots escort George north, to freedom. After delivering the supplies, Aveline learned that that Vazquez was in Louisiana, and planned to resume her hunt for the Company Man. The Patriots agreed to take George north, provided he fight for their cause.
![](Database/ACI/Av/41.jpg) | 41 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1773 - THE LAST DANCE
After seeing George to safety, Aveline returned to New Orleans to inform Gérald of Vazquez's return to the city. Gérald suggested that their Templar target might attend the Captain's Ball.
Aveline attended the ball and mingled with the guests to try and identify Vazquez. Aveline located her target and charmed Vazquez into dancing with her. She lured him away from the other party guests and then stabbed him. As he lay dying, Vazquez revealed that the Company Man was in fact a woman, but died before revealing her name.
As Aveline left the party, she was confronted by her stepmother Madeleine, who informed her that her father had passed away.
![](Database/ACI/Av/42.jpg) | 42 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1773 - THE LOSS OF A FATHER
With her father dead, her stepmother informed her that circumstances prevented him from leaving her anything in his will, but that she could still consider Madeleine's house as her home. Likewise, Gérald assured her that while he inherited the family business, he considered it to be hers.
![](Database/ACI/Av/43.jpg) | 43 - New York // British America // 1777 - A FOOL'S ERRAND
Several years after the death of her father, Aveline learned from Gérald's expanded network of Assassin informants that a loyalist named Officer Davidson of Lord Dunmore's Ethiopian Regiment would be able to unmask the elusive Templar known as the Company Man. Aveline headed north to New York to meet up with her local counterpart, an Assassin named Connor.
Aveline and Connor tracked Davidson to a fort. Connor distracted the guards while Aveline found Davidson, who turned out to be George, the slave she had helped free years earlier. Aveline followed George out of the fort and stopped him from escaping. Before he died, he revealed that Aveline already knew the identity of the Company Man.
![](Database/ACI/Av/44.jpg) | 44 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1777 - STEP-MOTHER DEAREST
Aveline returned to her family's mansion and confronted her stepmother, Madeleine de L'Isle, otherwise known as the Company Man. Madeleine, in turn, revealed that she knew that Aveline was an Assassin and told her the only reason that she was still alive was that she still had use for her.
Aveline fled the mansion. Madeleine followed her to the courtyard and explained that she had manipulated Aveline into eliminating undesirable elements from the Templars as an invitation for her to leave the Assassins and join the Order.
![](Database/ACI/Av/45.jpg) | 45 - Louisiana Bayou // Spanish Louisiana // 1777 - AGATÉ’S PRIDE
After a confrontation with her stepmother, Madeleine de L'Isle, Aveline de Grandpré sought to confide in her estranged mentor, Agaté. However, believing her to have sided with the Templars, he attacked. Following a brief skirmish, Aveline proved victorious but refused to kill him.
Overwhelmed with guilt about failing his disciple, Agaté took his own life by leaping from his tree-top den.
![](Database/ACI/Av/46.jpg) | 46 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1777 - ASSASSIN NO LONGER
Aveline returned to New Orleans with Agaté's necklace as proof of his death. She gave her stepmother Madeleine de L'Isle, the Templar leader in New Orleans, the Prophecy Disk and stood ready to join the Templar cause.
Aveline was inducted into the Templar Order at St. Louis Cathedral. As soon as the ceremony ended, Madeleine attempted to activate the Prophecy Disk but was unable to make it work.
![](Database/ACI/Av/47.jpg) | 47 - New Orleans // Spanish Louisiana // 1777 - PROPHECY DELIVERED
Aveline launched a surprise attack and killed the remaining Templar leaders in New Orleans. After years of frustration, Aveline took her revenge on Madeleine for poisoning her father and exiling her mother to Chichen Itza.
Immediately after killing Madeline de L'Isle, Aveline took the Prophecy Disk and inserted the pendant that her mother had given her into it. The Disk activated and Aveline witnessed a cryptic message from members of the First Civilization.