Assassin's Creed Initiates: The Prophet - Ezio's Story
 | 25 - Florence // Italy // 1478 - FOX HUNT
Following the advice of Leonardo da Vinci, Ezio reached the Mercato Vecchio to find La Volpe, a notorious yet mysterious thief. Dodging troubadours and other sources of harassment, Ezio used his special vision talent to spot his target from the market square's bustling crowd. As he was about to accost him, someone bumped into Ezio and stole his coin pouch. Ezio chased the thief and tackled him. As Ezio berated the thief, a finely dressed, polite gentleman interrupted him. The man identified himself as La Volpe. He made it clear he knew who Ezio was as well as everything going on in Florence.
Ezio asked how and where he could track Francesco de' Pazzi. La Volpe mentioned a recently arrived Caravan from Rome and a midnight meeting Francesco would attend. When Ezio asked where the meeting was to be held, La Volpe asked to follow him.
 | 26 - Florence // Italy // 1478 - SEE YOU THERE
The mysterious Florentine master thief known as La Volpe guided Ezio to the site of a secret Templar meeting attended by Francesco de' Pazzi. Showing surprising agility and free running skills, the thief dared Ezio to keep up. Ezio caught up by the Santa Maria Novella cathedral where La Volpe revealed Francesco would be meeting with his allies. He told Ezio that he could find a secluded spot to eavesdrop on them by infiltrating the cathedral through its ruined catacombs. He told Ezio how to enter them through a specially marked secret door. Ezio thanked the distinguished thief and went on with his mission.
 | 27 - Florence // Italy // 1478-04-25 - NOVELLA'S SECRET
Following the instructions of La Volpe, Ezio snuck into the eastern garden of the Santa Maria Novella cathedral and spotted an Assassin Order symbol carved into an alcove's wall. Pulling on the skull motif found in the middle of the symbol, Ezio activated a secret door into the church's catacomb.
Ezio negotiated its dusty passages by activating levers and overcoming various obstacles and guards through climbing, jumping, activating counterweights and performing assassinations.
After dealing with the soldiers guarding the area, Ezio came to a portal featuring a carved Assassin's symbol. Activating it opened another secret door leading to an area where Ezio could overhear people in conversation.
 | 28 - Florence // Italy // 1478-04-25 - THE CATHEDRAL
Having infiltrated the Santa Maria Novella catacombs, Ezio was able to eavesdrop on a secret Templar meeting. Among the conspirators, Ezio saw the two remaining de' Pazzi with Rodrigo Borgia discussing the last details of an imminent strike against the de' Medeci family. After the conspirators left, Ezio found a sarcophagus bearing the Assassin's symbol. Activating a hidden opening mechanism, Ezio retrieved one of the seals needed to unlock Altaïr's armor.
Ezio made his way out of the catacombs and met with La Volpe again, trying to make sense of what he had overheard. They surmised that the Templars would likely strike directly against Lorenzo and Giuliano de' Medici during High Mass, in front of all of Florentine society. Ezio decided he would use the crowd to blend in and try to prevent it from happening.
 | 29 - Florence // Italy // 1478-04-26 - WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING
Shortly before High Mass, Ezio arrived in front of La Duomo, intent on finding both de' Medeci brothers. As he spotted them about to enter the basilica, Ezio saw Francesco de' Pazzi and his fellow conspirators go after them. Before the Assassin could react, the Templars killed Guilianio de' Medeci and stabbed Lorenzo. Francesco engaged Lorenzo, promising that the de' Medeci family would not live to see another day. Ezio jumped into the fray, intent on protecting his family's long-time ally.
After Ezio defeated numerous enemies and forced Francesco de' Pazzi to flee, Lorenzo thanked Ezio and asked him to escort him back to safety. Ezio, wanting to chase Francesco, accepted nonetheless.
They ran through the chaotic streets of Florence, as Templar troops battled those loyal to Lorenzo. They made it safely to the de' Medeci residence after dispatching enemies that directly threatened them. When Lorenzo asked why Ezio helped him, the Assassin replied that he too had lost a brother because of the de' Pazzi family, and that he was an Auditore.
As Lorenzo praised Ezio's family, a soldier arrived, announcing that de' Pazzi's forces had regrouped and were assaulting the Pallazzo Vecchio to take over the city's government. Too weak to intervene, Lorenzo asked Ezio to kill Francesco de' Pazzi and put an end to the coup.
 | 30 - Florence // Italy // 1478-04-26 - FAREWELL FRANCESCO
Informed by Lorenzo de Medeci's men that Francesco de' Pazzi was trying to take the Palazzo Della Signoria with his troops, Ezio ran to intercept them. As Ezio surveyed the vicious battle being fought in front of the Pallazzo, Francesco spotted him from the palace's roof and called upon his men to kill him.
Ezio climbed to the roof of the Palazzio and killed Francesco's guards. When Francesco saw Ezio approach, he jumped down from the Pallazzo and fled. Ezio chased him down through streets and rooftops until he tackled his enemy and killed him. Remembering his blind rage and lack of respect for his foe when he had killed Vieri, Ezio said a short prayer for Francesco's soul.
A short time later, Jacopo de' Pazzi tried to rally a mob in front of the palazzo with shouts of “Liberty!”. His rabble-rousing was brutally interrupted when Francesco's body was hung from the top of the palace, a gruesome display of vengeance. Seeing his nephew's dead, Jacopo fled the plaza, under the watchful eye of Ezio.
 | 31 - San Gimignano // Italy // 1478 - TOWN CRIER
Ezio made his way to San Gimignano, and met one of Mario's scouts at the base of the Torre Grossa. The scout told him that Antonio Maffei, a priest, had gone insane and was standing at the top of the cathedral's tower, shouting about demons and faithlessness. Before Ezio set out, the soldier warned him that Maffei had stationed archers on the other buildings.
Choosing his path carefully, Ezio climbed from tower to tower, dispatching Maffei's archers whenever necessary to clear his way. Ezio reached Maffei at the top of the tower and killed him. To his last breath, Maffei referred to Ezio as a demon.
Searching the priest's body, Ezio found a letter written by Maffei. It was addressed to Rodrigo Borgia, concerning the coming of a “prophet.” It provided no further clues, except that Maffei would not attend an upcoming Templar meeting.
 | 32 - San Gimignano // Italy // 1479-04-12 - BEHIND CLOSED DOORS
Continuing his hunt for the Pazzi conspirators, Ezio Auditore led a group of mercenaries in an assault on Francesco Salviati's villa in the hills surrounding San Gimignano. Having infiltrated the compound, he tracked down and assassinated the Templar-allied Archbishop.
 | 33 - San Gimignano // Italy // 1479-05-03 - COME OUT AND PLAY
With information gathered from a contact in the city, Ezio Auditore used his skills to search the streets for the Pazzi conspirator Bernardo Baroncelli. He located the Templar wandering near the city walls and assassinated him.
 | 34 - San Gimignano // Italy // 1480-01-03 - WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE…
Still tracking down the Pazzi conspirators, Ezio Auditore tailed Jacopo de' Pazzi to a meeting with Emilio Barbarigo and Rodrigo Borgia at the Antico Teatro Romano, where he witnessed the Grandmaster of the Templar Order stab Jacapo as punishment for his family's failings.
Ezio was discovered and fought through a barrage of guards before assassinating Jacapo and ending his suffering. During the scuffle, Rodrigo and Emilio managed to flee.
 | 35 - Romagna // Italy // 1481-03-03 - TUTTI A BORDO
While seeking passage to Venice, Ezio Auditore heard the cries of a woman stranded on an island in Romagna's flood lands. After using a gondola to rescue the woman, Ezio learned that she was, in fact, Catherina Sforza, the Countess of Forlì. Grateful of his help, under her authority she grated him passage on a ship bound for Venice.
 | 36 - Venice // Italy // 1485-09-11 - EVERYTHING MUST GO
After years building a relationship with Antonio Magianis and the Venetian thieves guild, Ezio Auditore and his allies launched a stealth attack on the Palazzo della Seta. Having infiltrated the structure he assassinated the Templar Emilio Barbarigo, allowing the thieves to take out the remaining guards and regain influence in the district.
 | 37 - Venice // Italy // 1485 - INFREQUENT FLYER
As dusk fell over Venice, Ezio and the Venetian thieves raced against the clock to prevent Carlo Grimaldi from poisoning the Doge. Ezio rejoined Leonardo and Antonio de Maginis on top of the workshop with Leonardo's prototype flying machine. Leonardo instructed his friend to glide from fire to fire, using their heat as lifting power to extend his flight range as far as the Palazzo Ducale.
Grabbing the glider, Ezio jumped off the building and steered toward the closest bonfire lit by Antonio's thieves. Several archers, thinking Ezio was a flying demon, shot at him. Ducking, weaving, and rising out of range whenever he passed a bonfire, Ezio got to the roof of the Palazzo Ducale.
Once he had landed, Ezio crept into the palace and entered the room where the Doge and Carlo Grimaldi were playing chess. When Ezio warned the politician not to drink his wine, Grimaldi rose from his seat and shouted it was too late.
Fleeing for his life, Carlo accused Ezio of killing the Doge. The palace guards converged on him, but Ezio fought them off while Carlo fled. Catching up with the Templar, Ezio struck him down. Dying, Carlo claimed they both killed for their individual advancement. Ezio responded that he didn't do it for himself.
As the Doge, choking on blood, rasped his last breath, Ezio fled the Palazzo's grounds.
Carlo claimed they both killed for their individual advancement. Ezio responded that he didn't do it for himself.
As the Doge, choking on blood, rasped his last breath, Ezio fled the Palazzo's grounds.
 | 38 - Venice // Italy // 1486-02-15 - CARNEVALE
In a bid to win the coveted Golden mask, an object securing entry to Marco Barbarigo's closing celebration, Ezio Auditore took part in a variety of Carnevale games, proving his superior stealth, agility, and strength. Although Ezio was technically the winner of the games, Silvio Barbarigo conspired to have the victory and the mask bestowed upon fellow Templar Dante Moro at the award ceremony.
 | 39 - Venice // Italy // 1486-07-11 - TWO BIRDS, ONE BLADE
Having successfully lured Silvio Barbarigo and Dante Moro from their quarters with the help of Bartolomeo d'Alviano, Ezio Auditore chased the Templar duo to a nearby port and assassinated them. With his dying breath Dante revealed the Templar Order's plans to sail to Cyprus.
 | 40 - Venice // Italy // 1488-06-25 - WELCOME, BROTHER
After an intense duel with Templar Grandmaster Rodrigo Borgia, and having secured the mysterious Apple of Eden on its arrival from Cyprus, Ezio Auditore was formally inducted into the Assassin Brotherhood following the revelation that many of his allies were Assassins themselves. These men and women had dedicated the years to guiding Ezio and teaching him the skills required to join their ranks.
 | 41 - Venice // Italy // 1488 - OF FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE
Ezio Auditore da Firenze spent ten years hunting down the Templars who killed his father and brothers. Along the way, his uncle Mario revealed their family history as Assassins, and their mission to track down pages of Altaïr's codex, which talked about a prophecy involving Pieces of Eden.
When the Templar Grand Master Rodrigo Borgia brought an Apple of Eden to Venice from Cyprus, Ezio was there to steal it. Although he was not able to kill Rodrigo, Ezio kept the Apple of Eden and was welcomed into the ranks of the Assassin Brotherhood.
Ezio and his allies convened in Venice to try and discover the secrets behind the Piece of Eden. Ezio touched the artifact and activated it, resulting in a staggering display of energy and glyphs.
 | 42 - Forlì // Italy // 1488-07-09 - FAR FROM THE TREE
Having aided Caterina Sforza and assassinated the Templar-hired Orsi brothers during the battle of Forlì, a critically wounded Ezio Auditore lost the Apple of Eden to Girolamo Savonarola on the outskirts of the city before falling unconscious.
 | 43 - Florence // Italy // 1498-05-23 - POWER TO THE PEOPLE
Having returned to Florence during the Bonfire of the Vanities and liberated the city from the influence of Girolamo Savanarola's generals, Ezio Auditore and his allies gathered an angry mob near the friar's residence at the Palazzo Pitti and recovered the Apple of Eden.
 | 44 - Rome // Italy // 1499-12-28 - PROPHECY FULFILLED
Following his arrival in Rome, Ezio Auditore confronted Pope Alexander VI, otherwise known as Rodrigo Borgia, the Grand Master of the Templar Order, during a mass in the Sistine Chapel. During a ferocious battle between the two, the papal staff Rodrigo inherited was revealed to be another Piece of Eden, a powerful artifact of First Civilization origin. Rodrigo was able to use the Staff to best Ezio and gain access to the vault beneath the Basilica.
The Assassin followed the Pope below and defeated him before he could enter another chamber within the structure. Ezio spared Rodrigo's life and entered the chamber. There, he saw a mysterious apparition named Minerva, who spoke not to him, but to an unseen person named “Desmond” before showing images of a tragedy that would befall mankind hundreds of years in the future.
 | 45 - Rome // Italy // 1503-08-01 - IN AND OUT
On the trail of the mysterious banker, Ezio learned that Cesare Borgia was also attending the Banker's pagan party at Trastevere. Ezio tailed the man who carried the chest of money to the Banker, and discovered that he was Juan Borgia, Cesare's cousin.
The courtesans retrieved the chest of money, while Ezio moved further into the party. Cesare made a speech, promising a united Italy. After the speech, Rodrigo chastised his son, claiming that Cesare would upset the delicate balance of control the Templars had achieved. The two Borgais made a discreet exit from the party, leaving Juan to his debauchery.
Ezio sat on a bench and killed the Banker as he walked by. The hedonist Juan Borgia had no regrets as he died.
 | 46 - Rome // Italy // 1503-08 - FRENCH KISS
Ezio's plan to save Pantasilea was to acquire several suits of French armor and enter the camp in disguise in a surprise attack. Ezio prowled the Roman countryside, killing soldiers, and leaving their armor for Bartolomeo's men to collect.
Ezio met with Bartolomeo and his men just before dawn. With Bartolomeo as their “prisoner,” the disguised mercenaries marched towards the French camp. Ezio cleared the path of enemy soldiers.
The French fell for the ruse and Ezio and his allies entered the enemy camp. Once inside, they confronted de Valois before launching their attack. The cowardly Baron fled deeper into the fortress with his hostage. Ezio chased him down and killed him.
 | 47 - Viana // Spain // 1507-03-12 - PAX ROMANA
After years of pursuit, Ezio Auditore finally found Cesare Borgia during the siege of Viana. Ezio chased him across the war-torn Spanish countryside, and killed Cesare in a final confrontation upon the battlements of Viana Castle.
 | 48 - Atlas Village // Syria // 1511-03 - THE WOUNDED EAGLE
Ezio survived his fall off of the cliff and followed Leandros to a nearby village. Despite his injuries, Ezio infiltrated the village and dispatched the guards as he stalked Leandros.
Ezio cornered the Templar captain and stabbed him. As Leandros lay dying, he taunted Ezio, claiming that the book, Niccolo Polo's journal, would not help him. The Templars were not seeking Altaïr's library, but the location of a “Grand Temple.” Leandros died before he could reveal any more secrets.
Ezio decided to travel to the Ottoman Empire to find the remaining Masyaf Keys needed to enter Altaïr's library. He also hoped to learn more about the mysterious Grand Temple, and keep everything out of Templar hands.