Assassin's Creed Initiates: The Revolutionary - Connor's Story
 | 1 - Kanatahséhton // British America // 1756-04-04 - RATONHNHAKÉ:TON’S BIRTH
Haytham Kenway was sent by his London masters to North America with a mission to find a First Civilization Temple. To accomplish this, he gained the trust of Kaniehtí:io, a Kanien'kehá:ka woman, who revealed that the Precursor site he sought was considered sacred ground. Over the course of their partnership, they grew closer and conceived a child.
Shortly after showing him the site, Kaniehtí:io discovered Haytham's connections to the Templars and their desire to use the Precursor site to shape the world based on the Order's interests.
Stung by the betrayal, she kept her pregnancy a secret and ordered Haytham to leave. Despite knowing the father's affiliations, the villagers allowed Kaniehtí:io to raise her son in their community.
 | 2 - Kanatahséhton // British America // 1760-11-02 - HIDE AND SEEK
When he was four years old, Ratonhnhaké:ton and his friends ventured into the woods outside their village. While playing hide and seek, he was grabbed and thrown to the ground by a stranger. Soon, he was surrounded by a group of Englishmen.
Ratonhnhaké:ton tried to run, but the men stopped him. One of the group remarked that he looked familiar. The man then grabbed the boy by the throat and asked him questions, but he refused to answer. He insulted Ratonhnhaké:ton and his people, saying they were worthless and should surrender what they had if they knew what was good for them. Ratonhnhaké:ton demanded to know the name of his attacker, and the Templar Charles Lee identified himself before one of his men knocked the boy out.
 | 3 - Kanatahséhton // British America // 1760-11-02 - A MOTHER'S DEATH
Shortly after his confrontation with the Englishmen, Ratonhnhaké:ton regained consciousness only to find the forest full of smoke. He immediately made his way back to his village, Kanatahséhton, only to find it on fire.
His mother, Kaniehtí:io, was trapped in a burning longhouse and though he tried his best, the young boy was unable to save her.
In the years that followed, Connor became convinced that Charles Lee was the man responsible for the destruction of his village and death of his mother.
 | 4 - Kanatahséhton // British America // 1769-10-04 - FEATHERS AND TREES
Ratonhnhaké:ton, now a young man, had learned the ways of the forest and put his knowledge and skills to use for his village. He went out with his friend Kanen'tó:kon to find feathers for a ceremony by the Clan Mother, teaching him how to climb trees and move quickly through the forest on their boughs. He also showed Kanen'tó:kon how to hunt various animals such as hares, foxes, and deer for their meat and skins.
 | 5 - Kanatahséhton // British America // 1769-10-04 - SOMETHING TO REMEMBER
Ratonhnhaké:ton wondered why his village did not join the other native communities in pushing the outsiders out of their territory. The Clan Mother revealed that their village was built on sacred ground, and it was their duty to protect it and keep it hidden. She opened a box and revealed a sphere, which she handed to him.
The moment he touched it, Ratonhnhaké:ton experienced a vision. In it, an ethereal woman appeared to him and introduced herself as Juno, saying they were both now in a place called The Nexus. She transformed him into an eagle and guided him through a series of potential futures, not only of his village, but also of North America and the world. She warned that maintaining the status quo would not save anything, but instead would give the Templars time to master First Civilization technology and lay waste to the planet.
Ratonhnhaké:ton was shown Assassin symbols and told to follow them to find training.
These visions instilled Ratonhnhaké:ton with a sense of personal responsibility to prevent the Templars from achieving their goals. The Clan Mother realized that to save their village from annihilation, she had no choice but to let the boy pursue his destiny. She advises him to go to the east and seek the symbol to find a man who had helped his mother.
 | 6 - Davenport Manor // British America // 1769-10-28 - A BOORISH MAN
Following his visions of Assassin symbols, Ratonhnhaké:ton arrived at a crumbling manor belonging to a man named Achilles Davenport, who at one time was the mentor of the North American Assassin Brotherhood.
Ratonhnhaké:ton asked Achilles to instruct him, but the old man wanted nothing to do with the boy and warned him against following the path of the Assassin. Undeterred by the refusal, Ratonhnhaké:ton camped out in the stables next to the mansion, where he was attacked by thieves. Achilles came to his aid and after killing the thieves, he allowed the boy inside his home to discuss his purpose.
 | 7 - Davenport Manor // British America // 1769-10-29 - CONNOR AND THE ASSASSINS
Ratonhnhaké:ton convinced Achilles to tell him about the Brotherhood and their eternal struggle against the Templar Order. Achilles revealed the Templar conspiracy to dominate the world, and spoke about the rise of the American Templars and the fall of the Assassins during the Seven Years' War in North America.
The boy came to realize that his visions were referring to the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars, and he started to show a serious interest in the Assassins' cause. During these history lessons, Ratonhnhaké:ton noticed that Achilles had created charts tracking the movements and important players along his basement walls. He recognized Charles Lee's portrait on the wall as well as that of his father, Haytham. He understood that all the Templars had to be eliminated, including his father.
The boy's fierce determination and unlimited potential began to restore Achilles' faith in the Assassins and their mission.
 | 8 - Davenport Manor // British America // 1769-11-03 - THE COMPLEAT ASSASSIN
To stop the Templar Order's advancement in North America, Achilles agreed to train Ratonhnhaké:ton in the ways of a true Assassin.
Ratonhnhaké:ton not only learned how to use various weapons and hand-to-hand techniques, he also received lessons in philosophy, language, arts, and other liberal disciplines. He was to be a complete Assassin, knowing not only the arts of assassination, but understanding the history and philosophy of the Order.
 | 9 - Boston // British America // 1770-03-05 - ACHILLES' ERRAND
After several months of Assassin training, Achilles decided to restore his manor. Accordingly, he brought his protégé Ratonhnhaké:ton – whom he renamed Connor – to Boston to get the supplies for the renovations.
Although he was initially excited about the action and the opportunities available in the city, Connor quickly picked up on the anxiety and tense atmosphere that permeated the streets.
While he did not yet understand the context, Connor overheard citizens arguing over the treatment of the colonies by the British Parliament.
 | 10 - Boston // British America // 1770-03-05 - CHAOS AT THE CUSTOM HOUSE
After purchasing items needed to renovate the Manor, Connor returned to Achilles and together they noticed a commotion in the streets of Boston. People were rushing towards the Custom House. Demonstrators were yelling anti-British slogans, and some were being restrained and beaten by Redcoats.
Connor and Achilles arrived near the Massachusetts Town House and found a crowd of citizens confronting British soldiers in a tense standoff. Achilles grabbed Connor and directed his attention towards Connor's father, Haytham Kenway, who was speaking with a Templar sniper. He asked Connor to stop the sniper, who he suspected was going to set off the crowd like a powder keg.
 | 11 - Boston // British America // 1770-03-05 - THE TEMPLAR SNIPER
Connor followed the sniper through the streets and up to a rooftop. Meanwhile, the commotion in the crowd continued, forcing the British soldiers to form a firing line to confront the citizens. Connor stopped the sniper, but was too late to notice Charles Lee on another rooftop, who fired into the crowd.
The Redcoats believed that shot came from the crowd and returned fire, hitting several citizens with their shots. This event, which resulted in several deaths and injuries, would later be known as the Boston Massacre. Haytham Kenway pointed out Connor to a British soldier, suggesting that he fired the first shot.
 | 12 - Boston // British America // 1770-03-05 - BOSTON’S MOST WANTED
Connor was on the run from the Redcoats who had mistaken him for a sniper who fired into the crowd near the Massachusetts Custom House. Connor tried to find Achilles but was called aside by Samuel Adams, a colonial activist. Adams revealed that he and Achilles were old friends and he offered to help Connor escape Boston.
Adams suggested that Connor remove “Wanted” posters calling for his arrest to reduce his notoriety. Meanwhile, Adams set up a ruse with a town crier to divert the attention of the citizens away from Connor.
 | 13 - Boston // British America // 1770-03-05 - LYING LOW
Samuel Adams realized that British troops were still searching the city for Connor. After giving British patrols the slip, Adams showed Connor a secret entrance that led them to an underground labyrinth of tunnels and chambers that had been built by the Freemasons.
After briefly losing their way, Connor found a door which led to the printer's shop responsible for the “Wanted” posters. Adams negotiated with the printer to clear Connor's name.
Although Connor questioned Adams' dishonest tactics, he realized the complexity of the situation required a certain amount of scheming to escape trouble.
 | 14 - Davenport Manor // British America // 1770-03-18 - THE LOST SON’S RETURN
Connor escaped Boston and made his way back to Achilles' homestead. Connor was so frustrated about having been abandoned by Achilles that he didn't realize the value of the experience he gained from his activities in the city. Connor was also upset that his father had been able to flee the scene without punishment.
Achilles talked Connor down and highlighted the importance of being patient before confronting Haytham and the Templars. Achilles then offered Connor the Hidden Blades, signature weapons of the Assassin.
 | 15 - Davenport Manor // British America // 1770-03-18 - RIVER RESCUE
Connor heard a noise outside Achilles' manor and opened the door to find a man named Godfrey. The frantic man, who had been calling for help, immediately started running towards the river. Godfrey explained to Connor that his partner Terry had fallen into the river while wrangling logs and was swept away by the current.
Connor leapt into action, grabbed Terry, and pulled him out of the river. Afterwards, Connor asked both lumberjacks to come work on the manor which needed a lot of wood to restore it. Terry, Godfrey, and their wives settled near the manor and began to work on the renovations.
This was only the first of many tasks Connor would perform as the keeper of the Davenport Homestead. Colonial America was a harsh and dangerous place for settlers, and Connor found himself using his Assassin skills to rescue many of them. Several moved onto the homestead, either out of gratitude, business sense, or both; it was a safe area with many resources to harvest and prepare. Skilled craftsmen, farmers, and hunters were among those Connor invited to live on his mentor's land.
 | 16 - Davenport Manor // British America // 1770-03-18 - THE AQUILA
Achilles met Connor at the shoreline near his manor to show him the husk of an old, decrepit ship. They met with Robert Faulkner, who was obviously proud of the ship, and who said he could repair “her” if only he had some supplies. This flagship of the Assassin navy, named the Aquila, later became Connor's ship.
Achilles also showed Connor a ledger representing the homestead's income and resources and taught him how to manage it all.
 | 17 - Oak Bluffs // British America // 1773-09-13 - CONNOR TAKES THE HELM
With the Aquila restored and ready to sail once more, Robert Faulkner taught Connor how to handle the ship. The Aquila set out on the Atlantic Ocean and they dropped anchor near Martha's Vineyard to buy guns and recruit gunnery officers.
Faulkner led Connor to a tavern where he met up with the brothers David and Richard Clutterbuck, whom he intended to hire as gunnery officers. Meanwhile, Connor spotted the Templar Benjamin Church, who was chatting with British naval officer Nicholas Biddle, and asked about the location of Charles Lee. After a tense confrontation, Connor, Faulkner, and the Clutterbucks left the tavern and returned to the Aquila.
 | 18 - Vineyard Sound // British America // 1773-09-13 - BRITISH FRIGATES
After leaving Martha's Vineyard, Faulkner ran Connor through some target practice, using British shipwrecks as targets. In particular, he showed Connor how to use the Aquila's swivel gun to explode powder barrels and cause major damage.
The exercise turned serious when a British patrol turned hostile and targeted the Aquila. Three schooners and then a frigate attacked Connor's vessel. Connor and his crew managed to eliminate them and continue on their way back to Davenport Manor.
 | 19 - Davenport Manor // British America // 1773-09-27 - THE DAY THE TEMPLARS CRIED
After months of intense training in combat, philosophy, and naval tactics, Connor's mentor Achilles was content. He presented Connor with the traditional Assassin robes and gear and officially welcomed him into the Assassin Brotherhood.
As a full member of the Brotherhood, it was now Connor's responsibility to confront the Templars. But first, he needed to uncover details regarding their involvement in North America's increasingly unstable political environment.